Manipulating the dreamworld to make it easier to LD

Have anyone ever tried to do something while lucid that have helped them to gain lucidity other nights?

I’m thinking about things like: writing a note to yourself in the LD, saying that you’re dreaming now… And hoping that you’ll find the note next time you dream.

Or humbly asking someone in the dreamworld, a DC, or a guide, to remind you that you’re dreaming the next night…

Or maybe giving a dream version of an IRL object “magic” powers, to help you to acheive lucidity? (This idea might be quite easy to try out. You only need to pick an object first.)

Any better ideas? Or someone who’ve had success with a method preformed in the LD-world?

Sounds like the VILD; I’ll definitely try this though. The object idea sounds fantastic.

I just read about VILD, but it’s not what I’m thinking about, since in VILD you do the visualization during waking life… I want the major work to be done in the dream world so that I can become lucid with very little effort made in the real world. Like making a magic dreamsign that appears every night in your dreams…
I guess I have to make some experiments… Tell me if you find something of use!

BTW; the way of prolonging your LD’s wich is described in the VILD method (using your hands to touch objects) have helped me tremendously since I almost all the time get blind at first when I get lucid.

hey raybeam great post thanks for mentioning,

im not sure, i think this might be called DILD, but this does sound like a good idea, especially if its done within your dream, it could be act in the same way reoccuring dreams happen, if that makes sense :tongue: u know become as natural as always having a dream where u turn left at a certain street or something

I have been thinking about this, and here’s what I’ve came up with:
When I go to bed I place a jug of water next to the bed. Eventually I will get a lucid dream, and when I do I make a magic lucid potion that will make me lucid every time I drink it. I go to the dream version of the room where I am sleeping. I pour the magic lucid potion into the jug of water, and voilá I have a magic lucid potion IRL too!