Manipulating the elements (new title)

Hello, does anyone know how to bend any of the elements? If someone knows how to then please help me get started. Thank You…

What exactly do you mean? physically bend them?

Um, actually im not sure. :content: Like ummm. Like on that one show called last avatar or something. I dont know if you know what i mean but still… ( I am now confuzed )

Okey… uuhm… I’m not really sure what to say. I have no idea what this last avatar you talk about it. Just try to explain what you mean. :smile:

I don’t think the show ‘Avatar’ was meant to depict anything actually possible.

Sorry, but i made this to help me not to discuss about it and yes you cant do exactly the stuff they do but you can bend elements. I need someone that knows how to to help me. Thank You

He means in a dream right :bored:

ahh do you mean like pyrokenisis or cryokenisis

the ability to manipulate fire or ice? control it?
if thats whatya ment go to and search for pyrokenisis or cryokenisis there should be many guides

hope that helped! and best of luck :smile:

Yes, sapmangat. No KingOmar, not in an LD otherwise i would of said in the first post. Like fire, water, earth, and air. Those are the elements.

yeah i know what you mean.
personally i think its possible…but you would need a very powerful and focused mind to do it.
but dont think any human has that strong-a mind.
take a look at the psiballs thread…it wont make you fly like in avatar…but it is cool to weakly manipulate objects and elements
(actually ive been practising this last hour…i think it backfired or something coz i am so tired right now :sleeping: )

yo SRG, try not to use your own energy, “plug in” to a major mass of energy and draw energy to put into your psi-ball from there

I would like everyone to check out this site about different kinesis’s. I like this site it has many things. Enjoy! :grin:

If you spent all the time you worked on manipulating elements and put it into an enlightenment practice such as yoga or a martial art, you might find yourself able to do what you wanted in the first place, yet having so much more.

I believe advanced Tai Chi practitioners are able to use the major elements and channel them into their bodies, but they are capable of so much more through the merits of their practices.

No one can really bend elements like in Avatar…
In that, people are born with the ability to “bend” elements.
It’s a cool cartoon, but not very realistic.

You’ve been using so much energy making psiballs!%}

It didn’t backfire… Eat, sleep, drink, whatever! You need to recharge is all. Also, you should take breaks. has many articles on psiballs! Try reading some, they tell you a lot more than any thread.

I’m psionic… Heheh. :peek: