Many Questions..

I have a problem with being an insomniac. I can stay up for hours and hours and be wide awake. I have trouble falling asleep also.

Yes, more questions from me. One is:

Will being an insomniac obstruct my dreams?

Another one:

How should I relax about lucid dreaming? Or in other words, I’m afraid of what’s going to happen when I do go lucid. Should I worry?

There’s definitely nothing to worry about lucid dreaming as it’s a totally normal phenomenon. The only thing to happen, when you manage to get lucid, is increased awareness. After that it’s mostly up to you what’s going to happen :wink:

I don’t think being an insomniac could effect lucid dreaming that much. You still have dreams, even if you don’t get to sleep easily. Actually, once you have a few lucid dreams, you’ll probably want to sleep more, maybe your insomnia will go away or something :smile:

I imagine having isomnia wouldn’t actually increase the length of your LD’s (as you’d go into REM rebound, or whatever it’s called).

No need to be afraid in LD’s. You can’t be hurt. And chances of you seeing somethign scary are generally very low. And even if you do see something scary, it’s easy enough to make it go away/turn into something positive.

I think that insomnia can be quite useful for lucid dreaming.
Having suffered from this myself, I think that most insomniacs are not always awake when they think they are, and tend to drift in and out of light REM sleep.
Once insomnia becomes a habit your mind tends to expect it as the norm and it’s not unusual to dream that you are still awake for this reason. It’s almost like an extended false awakening.
If you get into the habit of doing regular reality checks while lying (awake?) in bed you may find that you surprise yourself and are actually dreaming sometimes.
Of course this isn’t always true and there are many people who genuinely lie awake for the whole night, but it’s worth doing those reality checks just to make sure. Dreaming that you are awake can feel just as real as actually being awake and I’ve had many lucid dreams this way.

No, you shouldn’t. You may read some of the LD’s journals which you can find in the Dream Diaries section, then you’ll realize that LD’s content is not frightening at all. And as Sureal says, always remember that nothing can hurt you in a LD. :smile:

And this is really good. Cos then you can do some really extreme things without any fear of getting hurt.

I once fell off a cliff into an ocean with some jagged rocks without getting hurt…it was fun :smile:
Dangerous experiences are always fun in Lucid Dreams, so you should look foward to them :smile:

I suffer from insomnia and I can lucid dream just fine. If I can do it then, so can you. You will find that a lot of the lucid induction techniques will help you relax so you can get to sleep.

Uhm… I have a problem. I read that to help relax you tense muscles up your body when breathing. Well, I just recently broke my arm…long story. Well, is there another way to help relax that wont hurt my arm?

Thank you for the replies, they are most helpful. :smile:

Lay still and imagine yourself being filled with white light as you breath in, which flows through you and gets rid of all your stresses and tensions. 10 minutes of thet gets me nice and relaxed :smile:
Or you could just do what you’re already doing with the muscle tensing, and just skip your broken arm.

When I suffer insomnia it tends to have a very negative effect on my dreaming (recall, LDs ,etc). This varies from person to person I guess. The only way to find out is to attempt to LD.

A LD is like a ND in many ways, you can’t get hurt while doing it since it is much like a regular dream. You can do the LD-techniques/mediation/other relaxing things to improve your chances this shouldn’t harm you. (If you wanted to you could do them during the LD)

While relaxing, I just focus on succesive points of my body (fingers, wrest, arm, shoulder, etc.), trying to feel them relaxed. I don’t tense muscles. You can also do like you were lying on a beach, and feeling a wave going up and down along your body. Not so different from Josh Redstone’s method. There are a lot of methods.

Don’t we have here a topic about relaxation?

As you are laying down inhale through your nose feel your diaphragm rise as you inhale it. Hold that to the mental count of 4 then exhale through your mouth. Do that 3 X the forget about your breathing and let your breath find its own pace.

Now imagine a wave of mental energy starting at your feet and slowly moving up your body relaxing all the muscles as it moves up finally exiting through your head.

Then, try and feel yourself falling or imagine you are walking down stairs. This will bring you even deeper into relaxation.

I have insomnia bad and it does interfere with LD, I think because if I try to focus on something it keeps me awake longer. but if I do stay up it’s easier to do WBTB with a nap cuz I gotta get up at six no matter how late I stay up so my dream recall is better but I’m too tired to do anything else but sleep for a couple of hours

Of course insomnia can be a barrier to lucid dreaming if you do not sleep. I found that as I practiced lucid dreaming I found ways to overcome my insomnia, particularly with some of the WILD techniques.

I’m like you, anamcara.Whenever I focus on a thought or something, befor going to sleep, I can’t get to sleep. It keeps me up. Because I’m not relaxing when I’m thinking,lol. And then I try to only think about LDs and dreams for about 15 minutes, then conk. But after that 15 minutes, even if it only takes like 30 seconds to go to sleep, after I stp thinking about dreams, my mind drifts off. Any suggestions?