Mapping the Dream World

Hey! :woo:

Hi guys! So I was just curious if any of you guys have attempted to map your dream world. IN two of my lucid dreams, I have flown up out of the atmosphere and looked at my dream world. It looked much like the RL world however the continents were different shapes and sizes, and the world was considerably smaller than earth. Now, I realize that most everything in the dream state is not at all constant but this world was the same both times. Have any of you guys tried to map your personal dream world?

i did it mentally for one dream, but if i would draw it, i would end up with a map with at least 3 different “layers” of reality. :tongue:
every time i didn’t watch something, it changed, for example i’m walking on water, then i look behind me and the water disappeared and there’s a house! :eek:

for the next dream i’ll draw a map, let’s see what i get

I haven’t drawn a map, yet, but I’ve made a list of all the places I’ve visited multiple times. I’m going to draw a map when I get a chance to fly and explore some more. :tongue:

Cool! Let me know how it goes once you do it.

I’ve had several experiences like yours where i see my dream world and it stays the same. While exploring this DW I’ve found recurring ND scenes, “real” places and some of my LD creations.

I kinda mapped it in my head and in some dreams i can even get a feeling of position in the DW according to weather and geography of the place.

Tried drawing the map once but no good came out of it cause i can’t be really sure if some ND scenes belongs in that DW or not cause i haven’t had a LD it in a while to check that.

I’ve never tried that, although very good idea…

Stephen Labarge have a theory that in a dream there is nothing behind your back, or whenever you would see something and then turn your back on that this would disappear, I think that’s what you’ve experienced…

Mapping dream world would be very interesting, but maybe not as single map, more like maps of every and each place you’ve been before, at least in mine way of mapping! :content:

wow I couldn’t even begin to imagine trying to map my dreamworld! I agree with @noobdreamer, everything always changes in my dreams as soon as I’m not intently watching it. one of my favorite things to do while lucid is to just really concentrate on my surroundings, but a lot of time there’s this white space around the edges of my vision that only get filled in once I stare and concentrate.

There is Croatian TV show called On The Edge Of Science[translated from Na Rubu Znanosti] and they had a topic lucid dreaming and there was a guest[Robert] that worked on the base of Russian Dreamhackers [DHZ]. If I understand it right this is a group of people that also practice LD but the thing that caught my attention is actual dream mapping.

I didn’t studied the technique of dream mapping yet, but here’s the translation on English of dream mapping - theory and practice. Robert also said that he believe that dream mapping is the best way of recalling and remembering dreams.

I hope this helps!

I’ve never attempted to map my dreams, but I suppose it is possible, considering that locations in my dreams seem to consistently be in the same place.

I mapped my dream world once, it was weird. I was sketching out places I’d dreamed about and suddenly I just knew where certain things were in relation to each other. :eek:

I once made a sketchy map of what I called the “white room”. It was basically…well, the WHITE room. :razz:

Yeah… Mapping out a dream reality isn’t as easy. As there is no reality or solid viewpoint to anchor yourself - everything can change in the weirdest ways if you just turn around. But if you have a solid determination and a good memory on detail then there wouldn’t be that much trouble.

I once made a map with all the locations I have had a dream and it turned out to be a pretty good copy of my old neighborhood that was partly fused against relative small parts of my new neighborhood. Nothing really out of the ordinary though. I couldn’t map the dreams that looked more like movie scenes.