Has anybody read this book?? ive been hearing good things and bad things about it… one comment was that it was not a book on astral projection, but on meditation, and a waste of money, but the person who wrote that sounded a bit negative… most say that it worked wonderously and had projections within a few weeks or so.
If anybody has read this book and is not just a negative nancy and has a legitimate opinion on the book or the writer… let me know, i’d like input.
I have the book but never got the chance to read it yet…
Robert Bruce, the author, is probably giving high quality material.
I’d recommend you to read Astral Dynamics first. It’s much more general and if you are serious about projecting it’s definitely a must, as well as the Robert Monroe’s books.
The book you’re talking about is more for people who simply want to project. Its a lot more simple to understand and was written for every day people, but if you want to really enhance your knowledge on the subject, read Astral Dynamics.
Robert Bruce gives a great wealth of information regarding energy work and meditation, but there is something “off” about him ,
and Our Ultimate Reality discusses these issues but also addresses that which is beyond / above (and below, and etc) astral,
a big big big big picture perspective
perhaps it is simply that Bruce’s work is now becoming “dated” as has Monroe’s ,
what is nice about ideas is that they always evolve, and refine themselves.
i’d certainly recommend it as a subject of interest but not an absolute authority, especially because he invokes belief in “negative entities” which then, has the tendency of causing the reader to imagine and project and create them, in the first place,
this has been my experience with astral-pulse and the ideas .