masturbation and LD's

masturbation doesn’t effect my dream recall or LDs at all. It does however help me relax to attempt WILD.

It releases a chemical ( I think it’s a something-tonin) that helps give you a satisfied feeling and aids in relaxing and falling asleep.

interesting…ill have to research on that one.


Time to get out my picture of Punky Brewster.

I actually think that it dosent make much of a difference… i think that it might slightly alter the path that the dream will take you on that night in dreaming. And maybe you might loose focus in your lucidity when you become lucid. The best way the focus is before sleeping lieing in bed and using rythmic breathing. I dont really think that masturbation would particulally improve focus and consciousness within the dream state

Serotonin. :content:
And I’ve also heard a rumor that the body releases DMT when you get an orgasm… Dunno if it’s true or not ,Z

hey dude, if that worked EVERYBODY would be an expert LDer by now.

Interesting topic.
An answer comes from Casteneda’s books: his master (Don Juan) tells him to stop his sexual activity to save energy. This extra energy can be used for his Dreaming.

it doesnt do it for you, it helps

I came up with a lucid dream inducing technique in chat ages ago and it got laughed out!

I call it a Sild

or you could call it mild or wild if those werent already taken. Its basically the same method as i think you call it a tild.(I havent been here for along time)

You make yourself horny as hell instead of thirsty. You then tease yourself by the beginnings of masterbation which do relax you but make you need sex bad. Its just the same princaple as needing a drink of water and imagining yourself grabbing a glass of water. Instead you need a women or whatever. If anything this gaves nice sex dreams.

“gaves”? Gave you? Gave people? Gives you? Gives people?

lol r3m0t your goin crazy

Going crazy? Or gone crazy?

I just didn’t understand the previous post.

r3m0t: I think he just was saying,

“If anything, this gives nice sex dreams.”

It’s easy enough to replace the “i” with an “a” by accident.

. . .Or, maybe he just wanted to piss you off. Who knows? :grin:

I jerk off everyday! :tongue: I don’t think it has anything to do with LD’s though, it just relaxes me as they said…maybe easier to fall asleep or something…

Sexual fantasies is what lead me to lucid dreams. I would wake up in the morning and concentrate really hard, on the"episode" that I wanted to take place, visualization skills increased.
All day, I would only think of sex. If my mind wondered to anything else, I would right away direct it back to the vivid sexual thoughts.
Then at night before I slept, I would go over in my mind exactly what kind of sexual stuf I wanted to do. I would not masterbate, but be so horny. I knew I wanted to dream of it. So my mind and body had built up alot of sexual energy.

I would get my lucid dreams and have my ways…

That was what lucid dreaming was for, in my mind, at the time.
Then, when I was 13, I discovered that lucid dreaming could be for other thingsm like spiritualy developing your self.



i read that if you concentrate on your climax on nirvana you will reach it, you concentrate on ld you will got it.
i dont reamember it was india or budha tech but it must be indian tech.


Perhaps are you thinking of the Hindua Kundali practice?

I hope I have this right, I remember studying it a long time ago. You energy is centered at the base of your spine, coiled lika a snake.

As your arousal increases, the energy travels up your spine to your head and then emerges to unite you with the unicerse at the moment or orgasm.

Supposedly, it take some amout of disciple and work to achieve this, so it is more than just a night of casual wanking. :grin:

You guys correct me if I’ve messed this up.

I wonder if it could be incorporated into WILD and at the moment of orgasm, you enter your LD…

The key must be how to use sexual energy for LDing because as l’Altro Me already told us, in the castanedas books Don juan tell him not to waste his sexual energy because is that energy that he will use for LDing but! it isnt really clear for me how you actually must use this energy. In my opinion the problem is that the body reserves this energy only for reproduction pourposes and wont give it away just because you have alot of it. So it will be useless not to masturbate for a long period of time unless we know how to take that energy and use it for LDing.