heard me

i don’t know what the deal is, but…almost every dream i have i am masturbating or trying to. lucid or not. i am not obsessed with sex either, i think about it as much as any average person.

does anyone else have this problem?? well, it’s not really a problem i guess. sometimes it’s pretty cool. haha.

save the wisecracks, this is a bit embarassing…thanks. :bored:

Well if your lucid shouldn’t you be able to control this…ummm…“problem”???
So since you can control it, means it has something to do with it in RL…meaning your probably obsessed and not telling the whole truth in your post…
You don’t do it enough in RL


maybe it’s the age. All teenagers have lots of wet dreams :wink:

It’s hard to see what you’re asking exactly… If you’re asking, “why do people have dreams about sex/masturbation?” it’s because we’re organisms. :grin:

I’ve noticed that sometimes I’ll go for a week straight and remember nothing but sex/masturbation dreams. I guess you just dream about the things you’re interested in. Nyuk nyuk.

It’s impossible to say. How long have you had these dreams for? Maybe it’s just a theme you have right now. In that case it will change later for something else. I often dream almost the same dreams night after night for a week or two…

Maybe she does it to much in RL. :wink:

At first I thought, “What? A she?” then I checked and was quite surprised. It seems to me that guys are mostly open about that kind of thing. And about that quote: I don’t think that would be the case. It seems like the opposite–the less you do it IRL, the more inclined you are to dream about it.

I’d just blame it on “raging hormones.” You can’t really help it at that age. I don’t think you should worry or feel embarrassed about it.

Welcome to the forum, by the way.

Just to clarify, I don’t think anyone masturbates “to much”. Once you are past the embarrasment and guilt you do it as often as you want to. And that can never be to often*

Hence the :wink:

*Unless you’re the guy from that Vietnam war movie that did it 10 times a day.

Have to disagree. I’m 22yrs old i’ve only ever had 2wet dreams.

– Here’s a possiblity you masturbate in your sleep and this carries over into your dreams. Masturbating while sleeping is a very common act apparently :eh: maybe that is the case?

If you masturbate alot in RL this could be being carried over by your subconscious and thus you do so in your dreams. Or it could be the opposite, you don’t relieve sexual tension in RL and thus your body does in sleep instead.

I did tend to masturbate in dreams at the end of my teens but since you are 21 i don’t know maybe you are just horny lol (seriously) and you either don’t relieve this enough in RL or something? Is it possible that maybe you masturbate in RL for reasons other than pleasure? ie: say for comfort or other things (sounds weird but some people do - i used to) and this maybe carrying over.

since you’re in your 20s i wouldn’t really put it down to “just hormones” but you’d have more clue as to what you do in RL as to why masturbation might carry over to dreams. Or maybe there is no reason at all… some people have lots of storm/tornado dreams maybe you get a more pleasurable type hehe.

edit// Just a thought do you eat/drink something before bed that might cause you to become aroused and thus cause these dreams?

when i dream of masturbating it doesn’t work no matter how much lube I use in the dreams, probably because I’m masturbating simultaneously in real life I guess… the same holds true for sex dreams, sometimes it feels like I’m having sex with a wall (hence my bed?)

sucks to be circumcised, it really does.

I literally feel like torturing and murdering the doctor who did it to me. Some people might not think it’s a big deal but well, I guess I was butchered a little too much, dry masturbation = impossible, which means I have to desensitize the hell out of myself, especially without access to decent lubricant at times… and well…

The only really pleasurable part is the orgasm, the rest is pointless and unsatisfying, and it takes forever to get there.

To be a woman capable of multiples… :sad: lucky girls… to be able to do it whenever and wherever… :sad:

I hate this stupid world and how damn barbaric and nonsensical it is.

I also don’t think I’ve ever had a wet-dream, I once cut off the bating for a week or so to try and have them, and I almost had them, but being a light sleeper I’d wake up during muscle contractions and nothing would ever happen. :sad: :sad: :sad:

I’m a pent up sexual anger/frustration machine, really.

Yeah, and how common do you think THAT is? “Don’t mind me. I just saw an Herbal Essences commercial and now have the urge. . .”

hey you can just go to a bathroom or whatever

being at home and being able to whip it out at a whim would be nice.

Men can have multiples :tongue: and just cos i ain’t female doesn’t mean i can’t do it whenever and where ever i feel :eh: (don’t ask)

most men can’t, it takes quite a bit of work and training i would gather.

I guess that could hold true for women, but the … well… the… climax… kind of kills sex drive.

The reason for wet dreams is to get rid of the old semen and bring in the new. If you masturbate regularly, there’s a good chance you’ll rarely, if ever, have a wet dream. I can’t remember how often the body usually discharges your semen if you haven’t done it yourself–something like 5 days? (I know most of you know that already, you just weren’t spelling it out very clearly for the people that didn’t.)

Anyone can have multiple orgasms–and it’s far from difficult. It’s just that men get tired much more rapidly after orgasms than women, so they don’t really care to generally.

just to let it be known. the male testicles have in them a full ten “loads” of semen. each “load” can last for about 30 days, before it is too old for use.

the reason men are mostly not able to have multiple orgasms is that upon ejaculation, it is not only semen that is ejaculated, but also a special fluid that gives the sperm energy. it could be compared to swimming in a pool of sugar water. only about ten percent of a mans “load” is infact sperm, if i remember the numbers correctly. the rest is nutrition for the sperm.

the problem with multiple orgasms lies in that a man doesn’t have to have enough of the nutrients for ten loads, and usually only has enough for one. this can be worked on, and with the proper practice, could be increased up to a quite high number. if my memory serves me, the guinness world record was 13 ejaculations/orgasms in a row.

to compare, the female record was 160+

screw lucid dreaming, i have something more important to work on

why are we talking about semen & testicles? the person asking the question wants to know why she masturbates during dreams. Think we can get back on topic now? LOL

however to quash rumours about the reason we have wet dreams being “to get rid of excess sperm” i will post this totally offtopic post

The reason for ‘wet dreams’ is that during REM sleep there is intense activity in areas of the brain that control the autonomic nervous system. Heartbeat and breathing, for example, can be quite irregular during REM sleep. In the course of the autonomic activity of REM sleep, there is normally an activation of the erectile system of the penis and the secretory and erectile systems of the vagina. In some cases, the self-stimulatory activity of REM sleep may also lead to the an orgasm and an activation of the ejaculatory system in males.

Sperm doesn’t need to be “ejaculated” at all to remove it. Old sperm gets broken down and quite litterally is absorbed into the body. If sperm needed to be expelled just think how dangerous vasecamies(sp?) would be if it had to be released that way :eh:

Ah, yes, I was dead wrong. Apparently the theory that since sperm has a limited life span it must be gotten rid of is outdated. You are correct, Dark Matter.

However, on further investigation, it seems wet dreams have far more to do with keeping hormonal balances to relieve stress than it does the irregular processes of REM sleep–especially considering the fact that people can have nocturnal emissions without having sexual dreams. Although it should’ve been mentioned outright that the reasons for wet dreams are not fully known.

But I could be wrong about that too. Where is that quote from, so that I may investigate further?

Kimius, I’m fairly sure what I said about men becoming mentally tired far more quickly and powerfully than women is correct, and probably a huge contributing factor as to why men have multiple orgasms far less than women. But there’s always the chance that it’s not even partially correct. Do you have a link or citation for where you obtained those claims?

See… that just isn’t right (fair) at all, I hear the female orgasm is more intense than the male, and well, those numbers don’t lie… this depresses me… I want to be a woman for a few days.

same with normal dreams.

The quote… i don’t know :eh: I’m full of usless general knowledge like that, i just did a brief google search about it and clicked on the first relevant site that sounded like they know health/body related matters lol.

edit// Found it

last part on the page.