Material Items in Dreams You Wish You Had In Real Life

There are robots, rocket ships, toys, and things in dreams that are just BEYOND reality… and I KNOW some of you wish you had them. :wink:

My biggest dream sign tends to be bathrooms, showers, and bathtubs and man, my imagination can run wild. There’s always an oversized, deep (at most, six feet deep) jacuzzi-like tub in my dreams that I ALWAYS wake up and wish I had (yeah, I like bathing and smelling good, so sue me :razz: ). It’s a silly notion, but I really would like a bigger bathtub in my home :happy: :happy: :happy:

I invented a musical instrument called a Strinnet that I’d like in real life.

Also I played a sport that used long cups in the game, and I always wanted a set of those - they were very beautifully made.

Ah, and a cream-coloured yukata I once received in a dream.

There have been various hi tech vehicles that I’ve dream about, that would be really nice if I could have in RL. Also a cool pair of black gloves, that an “english” teacher once gave me…

It would be fun to have weird items that don’t make sense. I have found some that don’t seem to work logically or physically. I don’t know what their use is either, but they look like they have some purpose. Like a swiss army knife, or other tool that folds. Such things would be fun to show people. I’d be like “check this out!” and they’d be like “Woah, where’d ya get that thing?”.

does it have to be something real that already exists in waking life?

I would say a hitech flying motorbike with weapons attached or that robotic suit in the movie “Ironman” but if it has to be IRL then I would settle for an ordinary motorbike with weapons aswell :razz:

this guitar hero rollercoaster i rode on a couple dreams ago… :eh:

Probably money… or a grand piano. Whenever I dream of pianos, they’re always Steinways or something. Beautiful sound…
A sword would be awesome too… I already have a dagger but I’d like a sword too.

That’s about it for now.