Hmm… I had some serious questions in my last dream journal entry, but I think they are too long and nobody reads them anymore… Or perhaps no one has any advice?
To summarize:
What is your technique for materializing objects?
Does anybody have trouble manipulating objects (eg: resizing them) rather than just levitating them or breaking them, etc?
And then there is another that I realize should be asked on the big RC topic…
most of the time i dont need to use a technique to materialize objects. i just imagine that they are there in front of me and they are. there are times when i have difficulties thought, then i just shut my eyes and imagine that when i open them an object place or person will be there. just kind of visualize it as if you were seeing it through your eyelids.
as for resizing or otherwise changing objects the same “technique” works quite well.
Materialization: I put an object in my pocket before bed, then pull it out in the dream. Doesn’t work well for lightsabres or candy bars, but I still find it useful.
Manipulation: I haven’t tried resizing that I can remember, but I did have trouble punching down a wall once. Levitating objects hasn’t been hard yet.
Austizmo, your technique does not work for me. As I said, that technique is what only allows me to materialize similar objects, not the exact objects. For example, when I open a door to find the object of my desire behind it, I get nothing or something similar to the object. Perhaps from now on, I will have it pass through the door for me. I think there is definitely something important in the idea of grabbing something that is there, but not necesarily something specific (as you mentioned, dunlar).