Hey there all you wonderfully enlightened lucid dreamers out there!
I have been attempting to lucid dream for about a year now, and have had no success. I have tried (WILD), (MILD) and everything in between. I understand the use of nutrients and melatonin and how they affect the pineal gland-( in the brain.) but I have not used pills, or prescription items.
I tried listening to synthetic beta waves, and those actually helped a bit. The dreams were much more vivid, and longer, but still no lucid dreams. I Tryed keeping a dream journal, and doing reality checks for a while, but to no avail. But recently I have had a tremendous breakthrough! My inner conciseness seems to “make comments” occasionally. It’s a bit hard to explain. Imagine watching TV-(representing the dream.)- while being paralyzed, and only being able to see that TV. Now think of some one standing behind you making comments from time to time, only you can’t see them. Its frustrating to know that I’m so close! Please help!
Sounds like you’re on the right track. Here’s what I have to suggest.
DJ? DJ. The absolute most important part of LDing. I’ve found that not doing a DJ at all has rendered me no DR and no LDs. Even when I was on an LD streak (two a week) the moment I stopped doing my DJ, my LDs stopped as well.
WILD, MILD, AILD, DILD, DEILD… Stop! Take a deep breath. You should be careful not to overload yourself. I have also found that when I focus too heavily on LDing, I won’t. Spend all day thinking of LDs? That’s fine, just make sure it’s not the only thing on your mind.
I’d recommend taking a step back and focusing on your DR right now. When you wake up focus on what you dreamt about for a little bit, and then move on and do other things that don’t necessarily relate to LDs. LDing is a spice; not the main course.
Sounds like your belief is in the right place. Try not to focus so much on your failures. Always look at the successes. Just because you haven’t had an LD yet doesn’t mean you haven’t had great improvements. If you wake up and didn’t have an LD that night just focus on how good / awesome / peaceful the NLD was and not on the fact that you weren’t lucid.
Really, though, only you can decide what feels right. Take a look at all the attempts you’ve done so far. Which felt the most “right”? Which did you enjoy the most? Pick something and stick with it. Let it become part of your routine, but not takeover it. Find something to believe in and go for it. Like you said, you’re so close!
Hm. What you say is true. My investigations into lucid dreaming have revealed that Dream journals are beneficial and one might say crucial to Lucidly dreaming. Also, as for something I might stick with…hm, the beta waves done nightly, combined with the dream journal could be a workable combination. Alrighty, I shall begin my regimen of this practice tonight! Lastly,while this probably extremely helpful post will prove to be a nice addition to my collected schema, I would be eternally grateful for more advice from any who can spare some time.
-many thanks,
I just have one question… Are you… me? The method and stucture of the way you type is quite similar to my own.
Regarding the topic at hand however, DJ’s and DR’s I believe would be the most efficient to begin with. As for methods such as WILD, MILED, etc. It sounds as though you are familiar with several of them. It is as Scipio has said. Do as you have felt most confident about, and focus on that. If you find that you just can not make progress after an extended amount of time, select an alternative method to focus on. When you are trying to learn something new, in regards to one general subject, your brain might be confused as to which you really want to adapt to. For example, if you are attempting to learn to speak other languages, do not learn them side by side. Or perhaps trying to learn, practice, and memorize more than a single song. Binary learning can be a very confusing thing.
That is just my perspective, but I hope my response was productive.
For the past few days I have been analyzing my dream recall status. Really all I do is wake up, pile together my dream memory’s and say a short memo of what I dreamt about. For example:
Dream: about unicorns and pie
-Compile memory’s-
Action taken: I say “I dreamt about pie and unicorns” and I say it through out the day, trying to remember as clearly as I can.
P.S: woah are we…mentally linked? If so, stop sucking up all the lucid dream juice, help a brother out!
A laughing,
[color=olive]Yeah, that is how my DJ looked when I first started it a couple of years ago and a decent portion of the dreams I can still recall to this day from the key points, short memo. I’m not sure if its coincidence or not, but after I began the habit of writing the full length of my dreams instead of key points, I’ve noticed Ive having longer dream time, more vivid experiences, and on occasion lucid streaks (more than back then). I suggest sticking with the short memo style for now to see if it works and if it doesn’t try writing out the full dream, or something other than the method(s) that didn’t work.
Like Scipio said you’re on the right track.
Now for the next part, I know I say this often and it may not be as easy as it seems, but I wouldn’t say it as often if it wasn’t so crucial now would I?
Don’t give up and stay consistent. About a month ago I witnessed someone have their first LD after years of trying, its not impossible.
Other than that welcome to the club.[/color]
I have to disagree with this. If you wish to advance further most effectively, you need to take a step up from what you can already do. If you have time, write down as many details as you can remember, in the order you believe they were in. This specifically has no consequences for persisting in maximum capacity. Only benefits - as far as i can tell.
Heres what I have so far from you guys:
-Keep a dream journal. Clean and simple.
-reality checks are a bit flexible but are a help.
-Synthetic beta waves are again, flexible, but if I feel they help, then they are a good choice.
-Dream memos are another option, but not a very helpful one.
-Thought process has a large impact. Persist positivity to obtain success!
Is this correct? Anything else?
I misunderstood. The ‘memo’ didn’t register for me. that would be simple, and the dream journal would be as much detail as you can recall.
When ever I keep a dream journal, like I have been doing, for a long time, I begin to remember less dreams, but they seem very vivid. It’s a bit odd, and frustrating.
[color=olive]What have you been writing in your DJ, contents of your entries? Were they still memos. I suggested the short memos to see if it would establish a base in your recall, similar to establishing a base in physical conditioning by having repetitions until it becomes natural or easier to an extent, but it appears I have miscalculated again. If the short memos aren’t working anymore its time to make a change. Like what Lumessence pin pointed, and what I stated vaguely calling it the “full dream”.
Hm, I have gathered sufficiently enough information on the more over mental aspects, and techniques of lucid dreaming, so now I am besceaching you to bear with me through another battery of questions.
One of my first questions:- Whenever I lie down in bed for the night, not to mention now that I have been using beta waves and the professionally created and tested mix of delta, gamma, and beta waves made to induced lucid dream- oh where was I? Ah yes: Whenever I lie down in bed I begin to feel a tingle, not far from pins and needles, all over my body. But any movement will instantly break the feeling in that part of my body, but it takes only a moment to regenerate the feeling. I relax, and do
not panic, as I know this a step into lucid dream, and I believe it to be a form of sleep paralization.The real bitch here is I continuously twitch, wether it is my fingers, or leg, it’s excruciatingly annoying, and I feel that I am missing something.
You guys are better than me, and I respect you for that, so please any advice?
I learned how to avoid the twitch through trial and error. While my body is relaxed my mind is alert ready to prevent the twitch. After a while you begin to sense the twitch coming, making it easier to avoid. The twitches rarely happen now though.
What do you mean trial and error? You learned to cope with it, or ignore it to the point of it not being there?
Yeah, I pretty much coped with it through trial and error. The hypnic jerk, involuntary twitch, may catch me off guard the first time after a while of not having one, but not the second time around.
I don’t think its been ignored to the point of it not being there. After catching on they rarely occur, I can’t say it is because I learned to cope with it though.
I have notice that I usually get the hypnic jerk when pretty tired or somewhat sleep deprived.