me and melatonin

I have created a monster. :smile:

I have a small question about Melatonin.

I began taking it about three weeks ago because I had quit smoking weed and was having trouble going to sleep. At first, it didn’t seem to have any effect. If anything it actually seemed to hamper my ability to go to and stay asleep. I found myself lying down for, oh, an hour or so before I finally dozed off, and even then it was a totally restless sleep. I would wake up probably 10 times or so a night, would toss and turn, and would feel tired all day the next day.

Okay, from here I told myself, “Okay, maybe my body is REALLY short on melatonin,” so I increased my nightly dosage from 3mg to 6mg (ingested, not under the tongue). After a couple of days of this, I started going to sleep much better, and would wake up groggy-but-rested. I even had my first LD’s.

Okay, I’m rambling now so let me get down to it. I believe I suffer from what I believe is un-diagnosed Bi Polar Disorder, and I’ve read that people who are manic depressive shouldn’t take Melatonin because it can intensify their depression. I haven’t noticed any ill effects (no more than usual anyways) thusfar, and I feel that the Melatonin has helped me come along with my LDing. At the very least it’s been a successful placebo, which as you all know is more effective than the real thing a lot of the time. I know there are some really educated and knowledgable people who frequent these boards, so can anyone tell me what I should do? I don’t want to risk hampering my just-now-coming-around LDing skills, as I’ve been working on them for almost a year now. Any suggestions?

If you think you might have BPD, then you should stop taking the melatonin. Oddly enough, I wouldn’t recommend 5-htp either. You really need to find out what is chemically out of balance and correct THAT rather than treat the symptoms.

You need to find yourself a good homeopathic practicioner and have yourself diagnosed. If you go to a traditional doctor you’ll end up on klonopin for the rest of your life (or until they try zoloft, xanax, or whatever their pharm. salesperson is pushing on them next.)

With a homeopathic practicioner you can get your REAL problem diagnosed and go back to a normal life. But check out the credentials of the practicioner first. It’s best to find one who’s studied in more than one country. China, Egypt, Peru, and Mexico have some of the best places to study. If your practicioner has studied in one of those places along with a place in the US or EU, then you’ve probably found a good one.

taps mic hello? Is this thing on?

Davion, could you please explain this one? :eh:

It has to do with the electrical polarization of your body. With all of those electromagnetic fields around your body, you pick up ‘interference’ and undue static/other electricity. Walking in the grass nuetralizes that electricity similarly to the way the ‘degauss’ feature gets rid of all the static on your computer monitor.

Why? I don’t know. I’m not exactly an expert in Traditional Chinese Medicine. But I know someone who is and will ask him.

Good info Davion…about melatonin Yep!
Very good indeed! :smile:

ClintB24 also dont take St Johns Worth then…
like 5-htp and melatonin it will have an adverse effect on you…
Oh and dont take to high dosages of inositol…it can lift the effect of medicines for BPD…if they are lithium based.

Don’t take more than 3 mg?

I’m curious, Davion, as to where that specific number comes from. All of the information I’ve read about melatonin suggests that it has one of the widest “safe for use” ranges in existence. Considering melatonin is normally sold in 3 mg tablets and the instructions on the bottle I’m looking at right now suggests 1-3 tablets before bed, I’m very interested in any information that suggests this isn’t a good idea. (Man, I’m sure the manufacturers would be as well!)

Understood that melatonin is a hormone and there was quite a stink several years back regarding the possible negative side effects of melatonin use (lack of concentration, sleep disorders), but I was under the impression that the brouhaha was regarding melatonin tests that were performed on subjects in the middle of the day–obviously outside of their normal sleep cycle. Try as I might, I can’t find any concrete, current information anywhere suggesting too much melatonin leads to anything negative, and how much is too much.

And believe me, I’ve looked. For something as effective for LD studies as melatonin is for me, I’m very concerned as to what it might possibly be doing to my body in the long-term.

Any information you have would be appreciated.


Melatonin was a waste of money for me. I’m afraid to use it again.

The first night I tried 1.5mg. I took this (half a 3mg tablet) approximately one half hour before heading for bed. I had a deep sleep, woke up the next morning a little groggy at first, but a little more “up” than usual a half hour later. It didn’t seem to affect me too much.

Second night, I did the same thing, 1.5mg. I had the same results.

Third night, I decided to take one tablet (3mg). The effects were stronger. Tiredness set in quicker than the previous nights, I felt I slept even deeper, experienced some memorable dreams (nothing spectacular in any night).

I did not take any melatonin the fourth night. The next morning, my skin had gone nuts. I felt like a neanderthal; my forehead was “swollen.” Turns out my skin sort of broke out. I have no experience in dermitology and couldn’t tell what had happened. The skin seemed to break out, die, and form a small layer of dead skin which lasted for about a week. Finally, I worked on it and I’m back to normal (approx. 2 weeks later). This hormone did something wonky to my system and I don’t feel I’ll be taking it again.

Can anyone offer an explanation of what happened?


Mmm maybe your pineal gland is very sensitive for hormone changes from melatonin…we all have different sensitivity about everything…hormones …neurotransmitters.
Good that u stopped then…it out balanced your homones for sure…so melatonin is nothing 4 u then… :neutral:

Sounds like there’s lots of confusion about what melatonin is and does.

Melatonin is produced by the pineal gland in humans and other animals, and (obviously) pertains mainly to sleep. The production of melatonin in the body increases in the dark and decreases in the light. Higher levels of melatonin help sleep but decrease libido and sexual function (which would explain why we get more when it’s dark/night and less in the light/day). Exceptionally high levels of adrenaline and noradrenaline in the bloodstream caused by stress can cause a slight increase in melatonin production by the pineal. Melatonin is a tryptamine, chemically similar to some phychedelics such as LSD, mescaline and DMT (also produced by the pineal), although it has very low phychedelic properties. The single danger dosage level is very high (probably a few hundred miligrams), so it’s hard to really “overdose” enough to cause problems. The problems arise when taken in high doses for long periods of time - the pineal gland slows it’s natural production and you can develop a chemical dependency as mentioned earlier. However, once you’ve stopped taking it for a while natural production should resume. You definately don’t have anything to fear when taking a few 3mg pills of the stuff.

Anyway, blah, blah, blah, there’s some basic info on melatonin. I’m going to pick some up today and start experimenting with it. I’ll let you know what I find.

Well, I took 3mg the other night and had the most dream recall I’ve had in a long time! I recorded the longest most detailed dream to date in my dream journal. . It could just be coincidence of course, I’m going to keep experimenting and I’ll let you know how it goes.

I even had a dream that I was at work, thought I was awake and was looking around imagining it as if it were a dream (as I do periodically in the waking world), but no lucidity. Wierd.

I’ve only tried Mel once a few days ago and it was as a sleep aid. Never tried it in conjunction with LD experimenting since I’ve been giving myself a break over the last month.

I took one 3mg pill and at first nothing but after about fifteen twenty minutes I was getting wiped. My eyes felt REALLY tired and when I stood up I was so relaxed I almost fell over. Unfortunately, I was sleeping on the floor of my gf’s dorm room and I slept restlessly due to slight dicomfort. I can only imagine how deeply I would have slept in a bed though (those damn dorm beds are too small.)

About chemical dependency… its never good to become reliant on anything. Luckily, I believe, with Melatonin, its like using eye drops too often… your body stops producing as many tears until you go off the drops for a while.