Me and my mom shared a dream

In the dream i was like in my 20’s, with a bunch of friends, when a guy that liked me asked me to marry him. I told him that this was going too fast and i didnt even know if i liked him. my mom in the dream then pulled me aside and talked about how she wasn’t sure about this man.

My mother’s side of the dream was that i was in my 20’s and she was worried because of this guy that liked me. In the dream i told her that she didn’t need to be worried, because i knew what i was doing. She then felt better about the situation.

The only difference about this is that in my dream the guy dies in a fire. :eek:

Weird? my mom has had weirder dreams than these…but i still think this was kinda creepy

My mom and I both had a dream once that my grandmother was calling us over the phone. The old wall phones not a cell phone. It was really bad reception, crackly…
The dreams happened a few weeks after she passed away, so we figure she was trying to tell us that she crossed over just fine and to stop worrying about her.
That was the only time I’ve ever had that happen.