meditation and dreams

CK: I have just used the link and I will think about the ramifications. :wiske:

Actually I experienced this by accident this morning. When I woke up I could remember only a few fragments of a dream I just had. Just for fun I decided to meditate for half an hour before I would get up. At first it was very calm but after 20 minutes my memory suddenly filled the gaps between the dream fragments and I could remember at least 3 dreams. One of these dreams even was from the previous dream cycle.
I think it’s quite logical that meditation stimulates dream recall, because meditation helps you to access the deeper regions of your subconscious memories better, than for instance when you lie still for only a few minutes in an attempt to remember your dreams.

Yes mystic thats true…our indentification of self is normally stuck in the beta wave brain region. When you meditate you cross that bridge of stuck identifacation and enter the alpha and theta or even delta region, all from your own level and talent of course.
Also our memory part of the brain works at theta freq so meditation, wich lowers the brain waves will of course help u to get in contact with your memories. Also dream memories!
