I have noticed that when I meditate for like 10-20+ minutes before going to bad I seem to recall me dreams more.
Does any one else meditate and notice this?
Oh and I will like to know what method you guys use to see if I can incorperate anything to my current method which is looking at the lights under my closed eyelids. So hipnogetic and relaxing. I love the feeling!
i don’t so much as meditate as attempt to AP, but once i decide to sleep i do remember more.
One thing that the two have in common is that you are making your mind and thoughts still, “if one should clear the path to will make certain that the mind be still” (dunno why i put that lol just came to me)
this may clear the mind of jumbled thoughts that may otherwise be proccessed during dreaming and thus may help with recall.
I also find after this i wake up on my back (though i goto sleep face down) which is when i seem to have more vivid & LDs and better recall than if i wake in any other possition.
For everyone,
Let me tell you all about Meditation.
When you meditate you clear your concious mind of any thought and concentrate on nothing. When you reach this “nothing” state, you come in close contact with your subconscious.
You build a bridge, if I can explain it like that.
You might start to see hypagnogic imagary, or even fall into a LD. Sometimes mediation before going to sleep results in a WILD.
So, when meditating, you have access to your subconcious. When you have this access you can start using the suggestion technique. Telling yourself your next dream will be a LD etc.
Yes Blue tiger i have the same thing!
Many have, that do practise meditation.
To add a little at Thor’s story…when u meditate your brainwaves changes…
you get alpha waves and if your a bit talented also theta brain waves…
Those are also active in remsleep…so your consciousness has more recognision for when it is in rem sleep when u meditate often.
It will always be a bit of help when u meditate everyday.
Some scientists discovered that Alpha waves (and probably theta) are also produced in prayer - various forms: christian meditation (I think also infused contemplation), the rosary, the Mass, speaking in tongues, resting in the spirit, charismatic prayer meetings, and so on.
I did have a good link on this but I lost it. I’ll try to check whether I get an LD after any of the above…
Clarkkent, I was just about to post a reply saying exactly the same thing about prayer, but you beat me to it. I would be interested in seeing that link if you can find it.
Seems like indeed wonderfull thing to master.Ive been trying it for quite a while now and i know being stubborn and dedicated is the key but heh,it seems almost impossibile to think about one thing at the time,and i cant even imagine what Thor says-to think nothing.God father why all exciting things are that difficult:(
oh ya. No thought what so ever is the sweetest thing I ever felt. hard to achive tho. But when you do ,man it is worth it.
Altho there are many different kind of meditations, thats just one of them. And you can clear your mind by concentrating on something, like breathing or body. This is also the “nothing” state, when you experience your mind as it is.
Heres a link to zen meditation: gnofn.org/~aza/zazen.html
EDIT: added the link…
Meditating definitely helps LDing.
I go through a relax phase and at the same time concentrate on rythmic breathing. Sometimes I look at the random lights too. Sometimes while observing them they form HH.
Meditating also seems to develop psychic ability. Some also claim to contact spirits in this state.
I guess i must take some courses in it cuz i read tons about meditation and concentrating and still suck a lot at it:(.
Im able to think about something for 10-20 seconds but then my mind just goes its own way.Then i go back to thinking of breathing and same thing happens…then its usually well after 40 mins and i start to feel uncomfortable and itchy and all that.
But i do try it for over 2 yrs now every evening.I might have skipped some days but in general i took a lot of time to make it better,but i dont think ive made ny progress at all
do not worrie about it here is a site www.meditationcenter.com. very helpfull
There is a dot at the end of that url, so it wont open when you click on it…
Delete the dot or copy/paste to get it working
www.meditationcenter.com there you go
A new Time (magazine) has been published 27th October, 2003.
Topic: Meditation
Maybe interesting for u guys.
Thanks Thor, that was very nice of you to mention!
ClarkKent even when you sing you create alpha waves…we ppl should relax more anyway wouldnt harm us at all!
That’s true, Jeff. To sing is to pray twice, St. Augustine once said.
Hehehehe nice one ClarkKent lol
Well my life is a prayer of joy
I think I found the link after a search:
It talks about the effects on the mind and body of various practices. I think he’s got a good point of view on the subject.