Well, let me explain what happened, and then I’ll explain why it may or may not be the case.
Today I got up at 7:35am after going to bed at 1:30am. I went to my first (that’s key…first) meditation club meeting, met with the preceptor, and meditated with her for around 30 minutes. Afterwards I ate a BearClaw pastry, and went back home. I got back in bed at about 9:00am, and proceeded to have between 4-6 LDs (I don’t remember exactly). Unfortunately these LDs still suffered from my inability to control them properly, but they were plentiful nonetheless.
Now, one could say that the meditation helped, but honestly I have no idea because it was my first meeting. Does anyone else have any experience with meditation before sleeping? Does it help?
I’m going to continue to test this out throughout the week. If I see results, I’ll update this thread.
I wish I could add something to this conversation… I will. BEAR CLAWS ROCK! I got a vending machine out behind my house and about two doors down at the recreational area by my house. They have a vending machine and I can get pretty much ANY bear claw only for 50 cents.
Yeah, i want to learn it too, but i dont have time and dont want to spend money (and im too lazy) to go to meditation centres and meditate with others.
In most large urban centers you can also find free Meditation sessions put on by local groups. I’ve never been to one, but I keep telling myself that I will go.
Yes there is lot of info at the internet.
Important is that you built your meditation time up.
So start short with 5 to 10 min then after a month go for 15 min a day.
Dont do a full 30 or 60 min when you are a novice.
As a beginner most important is to notice that when you breathe out (lower stomach breathing) all body muscles relax and that is connected with the association of letting go en getting empty of mind.
But for details look at google and typ zazen, lots of links out there.
There are other forms of meditation than breathing focused as well. For instance, there is a group here at my school called “Sahaj Marg”, translated that means “Natural Path” where you focus on your heart, and the idea of divinity. It helps because, unlike focusing on breathing which promotes thinking of nothing, Sahaj Marg promotes thinking of an extremely abstract idea so that you can never really figure it out. You constantly learn from your meditation and “become what you meditate on”.
There are lots of different kinds of meditation. Just hit up Google
Yea, and the Ham-Sa meditation is an excellent meditation aswell. It’s when you breathe for a minute, repeat a mantra for a minute, then think about the words “ham” (inhale) “sa” (exhale) while repeating your mantra. It’s excellent, and great for beginners.