meditation websites...

I was wondering if anyone had any websites/books that I could look at to help me start to meditate. I have only meditated a few times with my friend guiding me, but I would like to learn more and I’ve been looking around but can’t find the right site, any suggestions? Thanks :content:

Then click Mind and Spirit.

They’ve got all kindsa stuff there.

thanks :happy: the more websites the merrier! I just want some basic exercises to get me started

hey Loose ID, any other sites you know of. That one was pretty good.

Charlottedreamer think also what your goal is with meditation :smile:
Why you want to do it :wink:


lol! first off I love the new avatar! anyway, I don’t really have a great goal for meditation, its just the fact that what I have done with it, which isn’t much, just breathing exercises exc. I’ve really liked, and I’d like to explore it more thoroughly. My goal isn’t to become ‘meditation master of the world’ or anything, I just want to relax and spend some of my day not as a complete stress finatic… you understand?

Oh but that is a great goal! Meditation sure is able to lower your stress for you hehe to be honest thats how i started lol as a teenager hehe then later at kungfu it all became more serious.

Thanks :smile: i like my new avatar also its funny hehe :grin:


I thought I was the only one that goes there.
Yes it is a very good site if you want to know about medatating.

Jeff, that is exactly my goal. Where should I start? :happy:

There was a really funny site about Zen meditation. I’m not sure if this is the right address, but you can try it.

I tried the site, it is the right website but my comp kept on crashing after about 5 second of the flash vidio :sad: thanks for the thought :grin:

That’s too bad, it’s informative and humorous. Maybe you can try updating your browser or something?

I’ll try it on Internet Explorer, I’m on Opera right now

wow! That is truely a cool website! :cool_laugh: thanks!

So CharlotteDreamer is going to be a meditation flower :smile:

Go for it!


I just found a really cool site, (first site on google :bored: It took me long enough!) it’s got a few exercises for beginners and is a neat starting place that if you are trying to learn you might want to take a look at. It’s inspiring because it’s one of the first sites that I’ve been to that doesn’t tell you to starve yourself before meditation, or do it for hours, or dedicate every waking second to it exc. I feel like I’m getting more into a meditation state lately because I’ve been trying every night. :grin: thanks for all the help guys!