
After starting to read up on lucid dreaming, I got sucked into all kind of new age mind focusing methods. I had talked to my step-mother who is all about energy and power of the human mind and what not. She has been meditating for years, and doing reikki(sp?) and all sorts of stuff. Anyway she gave me a guided meditaion tape. One of those “breath in and let the breath release the tention from your body” sort of things. And to my suprise upon runing through this meditation before going to sleep my dream recall had increased. The first night I did it I remembered three dreams! I’m not saying do this and you will recall three dreams a night, my dream recall has allways been quite vivid even before I really cared. But this deffenently helped.

And I suck at meditating. I couldn’t get as deep as I should have because my mind never settles down enough. And I Defy anyone to have that abillity to not concintrate on their breathing too much when first starting.

Anyway, never the less it did seem to work. And i will continue to do it. If it help even more once i get better at it i will be sure to keep you updated.

Hey triangulatus:)

Its very great that u have some1 in your family that can give u advice on meditation and such :smile: That meditation tape sure does sound helpful :happy: I might actually look into that :smile: Its great to hear that it has helped your DR :wink: Keep at it cuz it seems like a graet thing 4 u :smile:

Good luck w/ your LDing and dream recall and mediation :slight_smile:

Ill be sure to wait 4 your results :wink:

I think I may get a meditation tape just to get me started and to help me through the first stages of learning to meditate. I don’t want to rely on the tape, just learn from it. I think my friend may have some meditation tapes that I could borrow, so I think i’ll try it.

Good idea charlotte dreamer!
Remember there are so many ways to meditate…and also with different goals!

Good luck…and your Avatar always gives me a sunny feeling :happy:


thanks Jeff! your avatar always makes me laugh… it just never gets old!

as always, go to the fountain of all knowledge. Click ‘Mind and Spirit’ and then ‘Meditation’. Easy.