Meeting your Spirit Guide - while awake.

Well that would make sense. It would be like calling a friend on the phone while working at a fast food resturant. Your friend would think you rude :wink:

hehe yea, but the problem is, i get disturbed quite often at home too

[color=indigo]I tried this just now and completely failed. I’m still willing to believe this, though, and I did ask that he or she try and find me in a dream. I’m too firmly set in reality while awake… it’s in my dreams I can probably find him or her better.

Somehow I’m thinking it’s a woman, or perhaps a girl. I could be wrong, though… it may just have been a pre-concieved notion. In fact, that was my main problem in both this meathod and the alternate one offered on the website: the inability to distinguish between any genuine spirit guide contact and my own imagination. Meeting my spirit guide in a dream would help, since I asked that he/she specifically inform me that I’m dreaming and indroduce him/herself. Trust me, I’ll know him/her if that happens… I can’t get myself to dream about specific things even if I try.[/color]

I can talk just fine to my spirit guide whenever I like :grin: When I asked him for a touch, he gave me one, but normaly I just ask “Xander, are you here?” and always I hear “Yes”

I didn’t realize it till this morning, but I’ve been talking to him my entire life, and never knew it! :eek: I never knew he was my SG, but I would talk to him when I was much younger. Then as I got older, I thought I was just really weird and talking to myself, so I tried to stop talking to him. I never was able to stop. :tongue: He’s too nice, and cool.

I can usualy sense his presence around me, except when I’m very focused on something else…Which isn’t often :tongue:

do you think people can share SG’s?

i think mine said we do, that when not all of your SG’s are with you they are with other people they need to protect and help

It’s possible. I think we have one spirit guide that is always with us and some that guide several other people. But that’s just my oppinion.

I wonder if anyones spirit guide[s] happen to know mine? :uh:

Sirius is indeed right. I got much better responses last night sitting up, that the night before laying down. Even the scents I asked for seemed more vivid.

The rose seemed just as strong, the strawberries were clear, the apple juice scent seemed a little dull but there and the coffee smell was almost as strong as the rose scent.

When I asked for contact, I felt my hair move like someone brushed it in a specific place very lightly and my hands went cold, not a brushing sensation it was like the temperature just dropped on the back of my hand. Not an uncomfortable cold though just a noticable change, like when someone takes your hand you can feel the heat alittle of that persons body, it was the same thing only cooler rather than warmer. If I was right there was 3 guides with me.

i’ll try asking them for scents tonight, maybe i’ll get some better responses for that

Scent works well for me. This morning I asked for a smell of petrol/gasoline. There was no mistaking that one.

It’s wierd, if I ask a yes/no question. Although my head moves, it feels more like something inside my head is nodding and mine just nods with it, very weird feeling makes me feel dizzy if my eyes are closed.

Hey, I talked to Xander before going to sleep last night and asked him for help having a LD. He said “I’ll see what I can do.”

I didn’t just have a LD, I had 2! I was expecting him to appear and just tell me to do a RC, but instead I just randomly said “I am dreaming”. I asked him this morning if that was his doing, and he said Yes.

I like my SG! :grin:

Maybe later tonight I’ll try some scents :content:

I’ve asked my spirit guides to meet me in dreams and tell me i’m dreaming.

Maybe I will try a different approach.

This morning while doing the scents. I asked how many guides I have (I can’t ‘hear’, so I did it in increments) I know that I had 3 SGs with me. But I got a confusing answer on 4.

I also asked if all three with me had been with me all my physical life and got an affirmative answer. Funny thing is, as I was typing this I had a memory from when I was very young. I used to have 3 ‘invisible’ friends, but I didn’t call them invisible I called them ghost-friends.

I’ll have to ask if these “ghost-friends” were my guides.

lol. DM, they probably were your “ghost-friends”. Like I said earlier, I found out Xander was my “imaginary friend” growing up.
I think when your younger, it’s easier to communicate to your SG(s), and they often thought to be “imaginary friends”. As you grow up, we are raised in a way that disscourages such things as “imaginary friends”. Thus we grow away from them. I feel lucky that I never did really stop talking to him :content:

I could be completely wrong. Thats just my random thoughts :tongue:

I’m almost depressed now. I can’t seem to get any contact with mine at all.

Hmm, I’ve tried scents and it didn’t work well for me. Then again, maybe I just have a weak sense of smell.

I have been getting the feeling of a slight pressure on my forehead every time I even think of my spirit guide, so I always think of it as my spirit guide poking me in the head. :razz:

As for the nodding, with me it also feels as if something on the inside of my head is nodding and my head is going along with it, too. I managed to get some yes and no answers, since I’m not hearing anything so far.

Will you visit me in my dreams over the weekend? :yes:

Are you male? :no:

Are you female? :yes:

lol. yea, something like that, i tried to get a real conversation yesterday and i though i heard a female speak, but then again, that might just be my imagination

are you supposed to just think you smell it or do you actually smell it

Wait for a day when you’ll feel more calm and relaxed. :wink:

I actually smell it when I breathe in.

I can’t seem to get in contact with Lucas. Only the 2 voices I always hear. :neutral: They don’t seem to like Lucas very much… Maybe they feel neglected. lol

Have a question:
You people who are able to communicate with SG’s…have you practised meditation too???

T—what do you think would happen if I tried that? :razz:

Well, Brune, I believe you would have to have a little invention called a phone in your ear so you’d get the message a bit clearer. :content:

But then again, that’d get expensive. :razz: