I have a question. Whenever i dream i have two memories of the dream, one’s in first person and one in third. Its not like it’s different parts, its like the dream is streamed in both third and first person and i can pick up on both. Is anyone else like this?
First i ask you this: how different does a dream feel to you than in real life? You can probably see where im going: The first person memory could be your experience of the whole thing as your dream/subconscious self, and the third person view your ego/conscious self interpretation of it, after the dream has happened. (while the first person is your perception of it as it happened.) So ones outside, and the other inside; outside being after dream, inside being during dream?
Assuming i am not waaaay off, that would mean you are pretty gifted in that you can actually naturally identify and separate the two different views!!! I personally have trouble, they tend to blend together when im pulling a Dream Recall.
Then again i could be way off in that you meant that you can actually see yourself in third person, and still feel that that is yourself but kind of like you are floating outside your dreamscape body? Nice. I have had strange dreams like that but they are fairly rare. They are awesome though in that well it shows you a whole new way of perception of the World and the Self.
Well, Its not that when i wake up its the third person and first. Even when im lucid its like… well its pretty impossible to explain. I guess i can relate it to a a gecko or something. Imagine if one of its eyes was facing completely to the right, and the other to the left. But its not quite like that because if that were true you would have it blended together. It’s not blended together with me. Both are streaming at the same time. bah its impossible to explain. All of my dreams are like that, i’ve never had one that wasn’t.
(My normal memories work like that too… does that make me insane?)
I sometimes recall things in that way, or see myself in 3rd person when I imagine doing something.
[sorry, double post]
Hmm for some reason i keep thinking your experience may be similar to the ‘not here’ feeling. Like youre not there and yet you are, like you dont know where you are really, like an observer on a different plane altogether. I get this sometimes in dreams, fairly often but diff in real life. In real life it is often accompanied by thought (and i get bogged down), though sometimes i just kind of ‘continue to be’ , without thought regardless of my strange consciousness. In dreams, i dont ever recall having any thoughts whilst having it in the dream. I remember one really weird dream that was actually lucid where i had this, the only thing even remotely resembling a thought would be my being aware of the dream feeling. How bout u in regards to thought in such?
Nah, i doubt that you are insane, heck im thinking you might be fairly transcended in regards to concepts of the Self and Ego and the world that many think illusorily outside or separate from us.
Thats my problem… all of my dreams are clouded with thoughts- they are the same kind of thoughts I have when i go to sleep at night- I am also deaf in dreams and hear WL. In WL I know where i am… if thats what you mean. It’s just later on when i recall the memory of what i did during a specific time I have two memories of it happening. Even with dreams i have two seperate memories. One is in first person, one is in third. It’s always been that way. A lot of it has to do with emotion as well. Sometimes when I’m remembering something where I feel stupid during whatever i was doing the third person memory is the most distinctive. The first person views are usually associated with major events happening- sudden events. If i were punched in the face i have a very good first person memory i can just play back in my head.
I must also note that i have a photographic memory so I’m not sure if that has to do with my dream memories and vision.
Hey i know what you mean about memories. I get that too, like firstperson experience and then also it relative to this time things just seem so different!
As far as thoughts go, heres something that may help. Ask yourself this question in an LD/WL : “I wonder what my next thought is going to be”
That should silence your mind for a bit. If that doesnt work, just try to let go of all thought. The key is to just let go and relax your mind. It gets easier with time and experience.
Photographic memory may in fact have to do with it in that you sort of include yourself in the ‘photograph/movie’ and so see it in 3rd person later on, while at the same time retaining the ‘photograph/movie’ seen from first person complete with emotion, experience, etc.