messed up dreams (is this normal)

its no secret to my friends i have the weirdest dreams (weird because they are so in depth).

but i have a recurring theme of running away from someone trying to kill me (usually with a gun and i consider every step very important so i can turn a corner or whatever. it gets tiring), and i have in fact once been shot in the head. i assumed i was dead, but no. i was wandering about with a combined etry/exit wound (the bullet caught the top of my skull) but not dead.

i also have a recurring dream about normal people in my lives (who i RARELY associate with or talk, or havent spoken to in manymany years) trying to kill me and other people.
one time my dream went underwater (everyone could breathe) and this kid i knew when i was about 8/9 lined everyone against a concrete wall and threw circular blades at their necks, to kill them one by one.

so two things to sum up:
the being chased theme, anyone else get that?
the people you barely know being in your dream in some menacing way, anyone else get that?

Hey Dunctait :smile:

Yes, being chase is a very common kinda nightmare.

My first pre-lucids dreams i had were always the same : someone from my family suddenly goes crazy and threatens me…
Your dreams seems to be a little more violent and freaky but i don’t see anything unnormal… :content:

Oh yes, I get chased all the time. I wouldn’t call it a nightmare, though, since it’s often quite fun and a challenge. (And I haven’t been killed yet.)

However, I don’t think people I know go around trying to kill me. Getting angry at me occasionally, yes, but not trying to kill me. I got chased by Mum this morning, in fact (in the dream), but I’m sure she didn’t have murder on her mind.

Don’t worry, what you have is quite normal, though…

i know everyone says “my dreams are sooooo weird” and then its like “i saw my dad and he was a pencil. and i went to school and took him in my pencil case” or something mundane like that.

but then mine are so in depth, where some random person i sometimes dont even remember the name of is shooting at me, or rides in on an ice chariot and whips me.


I really don’t see why you think your dreams are weirder than the usual. I mean, I often dream of people who I haven’t seen or talked for a while. I also frequently dream of my teacher who I actually rearely think about (usually I remember he exists when I dream of him). It happens.

Dreaming people are “hunting” you is very common. I rarely have that kind of dream (I’m just too violent to be put in that position I guess), but my sister used to have them all the time. Perhaps you should try to figure out why you have those dreams… Dreams are really just a mixed up alegorie for reality, and a very good way to know yourself… Think about it…

thanks lobz, the fact that you have this strange fashion of having dreams about pople you dont even think of helps. also being hunted is osmethin i get all the time.

funny story, i had a dream where i was trying to remember the name of an actress, and then someone in the dream told me. when i woke up i tried to remmeber the name of the actress and it took me ages. yet in my dream, no time at all.

i think its becuase when was trying to remmeber it my concious was making me hit a blank wall, whereas my subconcious (my control of the dream) could access the information no problem.

and if you were wondering, the actress was “amanda tapping”

Use 'em as inspiration to have LDs. Then you can do two things

  1. Stop them from being scary. Teleport yourself to a nicer place, like a forest with only fuzzy animals with no sharp teeth or something.

  2. Pay super close attention to them and figure out what they mean!

I also have unpleasent dreams, which is why I’m learning to LD. Good luck!

Its actually a good dreamsign if you take advantage of it. like for me anytime I am really scared or anxiouse I do a reality check which is a good habit and also help me deal with streesful situations because I can just remind myself that since it is real life the chances of monsters or muggers and the like is low and it helps me cope. But its not that often in normal life I am really scared and I am not saying I am super brave its just that not much is scary in everyday life.