Whats the funniest way you messed with someone in your dreams. By this I mean sticking your head through a wall and saying boo(this is really old and crappy).Theres better ways than that and I tell mine after a few people tell theres.
in my very first lucid dream, i was changing everybodies hair colour, there were many confused and angry looks
in one of my first LDs i was in a city and it was kinda dark outside and i was in the street and one of my friends from the waking world was also in the street a kouple yards away from me…he said “hey man, what r u doin”…i said, “nuthng much, jus sleepin…wanna see something kool?” “what?..uh…OK…sure”, he replied. i touched my wrists together, thrusted my hands foward and yelled HADOKEN!!! (ala ken/ryu in street fighter) a bright bright blue fireball shot from my hands. He skreamed, “AGH SHT!! WHAT THE FUK!!” and let out a loud video game style grunt as my fiery projektile slamed into his chest sending him flying backwards quite a bit.
the next day after i woke up i told him about it… his only response was, “…You’re a jackass”
i thought it was fu*king hilarious <|:D
Heh that is quite funny. I can appreciate it, seeing as I used to love playing Streetfighter 2, and Ken was the man. Nothing could beat the 4-connector dragon punch. Now there is a move to try in a dream!
Once in a LD I was seated at a big table, and someone I didn’t really want sitting next to me was beside me. So I made him teleport to a seat at the other end of the room. It may only have been a dream, but ya should have seen the look on his face…priceless! This might sound a tad strange, but I have killed a few people in my dreams too. And I must say, that for me is the ultimate “messing up”. Mind you I have been on the receiving end of some brutal assaults in my dreams too of course. It’s just that over time I learnt to fight back
Lol…waking life is a lot less frantic I guess.
I like to get into a fight with someone, then when they swing to hit me I make their hand go through my body.They just stand there with a funky look on there face.Then I do a KaMaHaMaHa and blow them away. hahaha suckers. One time these people wouldn’t believe me when I told them I was dreaming som I shoved my hand through this dudes head and it freaked them out.Now nobody second quesses me anymore. Man I love to dream.
Hi Dreamwalker…the funniest way was when i entered a house x-ray styl through the walls and i saw a pretty blond girl…youzaaaaa in the living room and i wanted to have sex but her father was also there…
So i said to him…“is that your car outside? Beautifull car, aint it, but it is so dirty! Man, is your car dirty! Go clean it!” And he did…lol and i had great sex in that ld. with the blond girl.
lol @ jeff
in one of my lucid dreams i was in a snooker hall and there was someone chasing me, so i picked up a snooker ball, threw it in the air. stopped it with my mind, then launched it at the person chasing me with my mind. god it was fun.
P.S can anyone see this emoticon -->
Ehm No Stokesy i dont c the emoticon u made =(
LOl, nice story that with the snooker ball!