I think that I found a method that works for me and may work for others like me who have difficulty staying in a LD. During an LD this morning, my dream began to fade as usual with the visuals blurring.
This time, I was determined not to wake up so I just kept my eyes closed and focued. Amazingly, the images returned again! I did this a couple more times in the dream and it kept working. Eventually I woke up, but because I wanted to. If anyone has any comments about my method, please let me know what you think.
well, i think it’s worth a try. i can understand how it could work, as your focusing, and with eyes closed you are starting with a blank slate in a sense. you sort of let the dream rebuild itself from where you were. glad you found a working technique for yourself
So far, whenever my visuals are fading, I tend to just give in and wake up. I remember once, I decided not to give up, and I managed to stay in the dream. From now on, I will never give up on an LD when it is fading.
My eyes staying closed isn’t my problem when waking up. Once the dream fades away, I can just still be laying there awake and aware of it, but not opening my eyes yet. I guess somethin like this might be useful if I am getting too excited in an LD, but if I am uninvolved in the LD it would seem to have an opposite affect on me.
ehh, I am starting to just naturally become used to staying in the LD’s i have for more then a few seconds, but after a while it goes away. I’ll try this if i feel i am waking.
I may give this a try the next time I get an LD (if, whenever, ever, someday) ^^ In last LD I felt myself waking up and even though I tried to stay focused and in the dream, my body just woke up so eventually I was staring at the inside of my eyes instead of dreaming… nothing much I could do about it :\
When the images began to blur very badly and were almost gone I just kept my eyes closed instead of giving up. The images would flood back a few seconds later.
I just discovered this technique by accident so I don’t know how reliable it is. Of course, there are times when we are waking up and there’s really nothing you can do about it. My guess, though, is that most of the time we don’t really wake up but just lose lucidity and drift into another dream. My method is similar to the “playing dead” method that La Berge discussed in EWLD.
If anyone has some success with this method, please let us know.