Following a drought of several months, I finally had a lucid dream last night, after enduring a few bouts of REALLY annoying and very loud buzzing sounds and vibrating in the back of my upper neck and head (originating from my cerebral cortex, I’d presume…). Well, I used the clock/watch RC, which worked, but turned out to be rather funny and my mind almost tricked me again! I looked at my ‘dream watch’, and it read 2:03. I looked away and looked back, and it then read 2:04.
Now, THAT would have ordinarily tricked me, because that can of course happen in real life..but I decided to look away and look back again because I still had an odd feeling, and it read 2:05. I did this about 3 more times, and each time the minutes advanced by 1. Well, I then knew I had to be dreaming, and at that moment noticed everything was quite blurry when I looked back up - the same feeling you'd have if your eyes were slightly crossed...[b]very[/b] similar to when you're driving and get VERY tired, trying to stay awake and having your eyes cross slightly on you..
Well, I tried to clarify my vision by shouting out, "Lucidity times 1,000!!" about 3 times, and at no point did it help at all! :grrr: Then I looked at my hands, remembering I had once read that might help to stabilize the dreamscape...well, that didn't work either...they remained just as blurry as the rest of the dreamscape. Unfortunately, I must have subconsciously lost hope in making the LD clear up and stabilize at that point, so it faded uncontrollably; I tried to stop it with all my mental efforts were fruitless...
So, is there a more effective way to clear up a Lucid Dream?!? I'd love to hear some suggestions, so I can try next time! Having that happen to me was [b]SO[/b] frustrating, considering I've been trying for a few months just to have another LD - I finally do, and it fades after a few lousy minutes! :sad: I didn't try rubbing my hands together or spinning, because I remembered those techniques were used essentially to prolong the LD; all I wished to do was clear it up!
Suggestions??? :wink:
I’m actually quite surprised that the verbal commands didn’t work for you. Since I first tried the acclaimed “Inhance Lucidity” command, I’ve found it to be a VERY effective way to stabalize and sharpen the dream. Three or four times is enough, and leaves me at a very comfortable level of control. Granted it does seem a little magical, but the idea is just to set your intention to increase your level of consciousness.
You might also try picking up an object and closely examining it. Anything that forces you to focus on a particular sense will predictably increase the clarity of that sense. For example, if you lean close to a wall or object and carefully examine how it looks, the entire dream world will increase in visual clarity.
I don’t know if you’ve read any Casteneda but in his book, Art of Dreaming, he says that to accomplish anything in dreams you merely have to announce your intent to accomplish it. “I intend to be fully lucid within my dream.” Bam. Of course I can’t back that up with proof of any sort. I have found that the verbal commands work well with other things like flying though.
I am plagued with low level LDs still. Its one problem that I am having trouble getting over.
Although, I did have a couple of LDs where I realized that I was dreaming but then everything seemed so real that I began to question my belief that I was dreaming. All of my senses were telling me I was awake. In one of them I reaffirmed my lucidity by sticking my finger through the palm of my hand… but I awoke right afterwards.
Yeah, verbal announcement, I’ve heard, usually works wonders – I just hope I haven’t built any mental barriers by failing miserably with the “lucidity times 1,000!” affirmation… it was VERY discouraging when I failed at it 3 times in a row! I have to have faith that it will work next time, and like you mentioned, I have to incorporate more verbal affirmations… like, “I demand lucidity”, or, “I request full lucidity NOW!”
…from what I’ve read in Laberge’s books, demanding something in a lucid dream is a very powerful tool. there’s nothing like the power of suggestion in a LD…especially when you really mean it!