MILD, RT and Relaxion technique -> works very well


I am trying Lucid Dreaming since about a half year now, and now have lucid dreams nearly every night. It’s very easy, I tried out several techniques, so I just wanted to inform you which works best for me (and probably for many others):

  • keep a DJ (look for DS 's)
  • Do a RC if you recognice your DS 's (I do one everytime I meet people, If the light doesn’t work, If something stranges heappens, if I am chased by someone, … just find out your personal dreamsigns)
  • When you go to bed:
    -> do a relaxion technique, leave the stress behind
    -> Thinks of that you will have a lucid dream tonight
    -> Think of that you will regonice your dreamstate
    -> repeat this sentences and “really think them” until you fall asleep.
  • When you wake up, just do the same (alternative try WILD, but MILD in the morning also works very well !)

=> You will either have a LD because you did a RT when you saw your DS or because you just knew it (by WILD or MILD): That are 3 possibilities and so it’s a good chance!

I think this is not that difficult and everybody can learn it!

I’m sorry for my bad school english :smile:

Schönen Gruß!

Hi Bjoern !

Your technique is well worthing… it’s Stephen Laberge’s technique ( MILD + RC ) and with it, he succeeded in having LD at will ! :grin:

I’m practising this technique yet. What is good with it : it seems that the more you have LDs, the more you are motivated, and get new LDs, etc.

But I’ve a question about RC. So far, I never recall making RC when I see a dreamsign in my dreams. I would like to know if you often obtain lucidity in your dreams with RC. And if there are a lot of dreams in which you gain lucidity while RCing, what does seem to you the most important thing for this technique ?

Hi Basilus West!

Yes you are right the technique is by Stephen LaBerge. I just wanted to talk a little bit about it so that it helps other people and shows that there is not that much effort needed to have many LD 's and that this techniques really work. (I’m also of course proud that it works now :content: )

I obtain lucidity not very often by a RC through a DS (about 10 percent) but I think this is because some DS 's are difficult to realise (for example when you are chased: how often are you chased IRL ). But also I do not often gain lucidity by DS 's it helps you to realise how your dreams are and I can remember them better.

(I hope I understood your question :sad: )


OK. I made a mistake when I used “gain” ! I meant “obtain”. So my question was, “what do you feel to be the most important thing in order to obtain lucidity in dreams through RC and DS methods ?”