What are the effects of depression on lucid dreaming oppurtunities. Is it easier for those who are depressed to become lucid, or not. And what about those who take anti-depressants and have a higher level of serintonin? Do those with ample serentoinin lucid dream more?
Yes, the more seretonin a person has the more vivid their dreams are, or the more easily they are remembered. So depressed people should find it harder to have LDs than normal people, but when on anit-depressants(SSRIs) it should be easier than normal.
In my work I have noticed that a lot of people who SSRI’s did not work for or people did not like the side effects of that class of drug have been switched to a slightly older medication called remeron. I am wondering what if any effects remeron has on lucid dreaming?
this explains a lot…I was taking an anti-depressant prescription last year from about december until last july. I then quit and I did notice that my dreams dropped off a lot in the summer, less ld’s, not as lucid, sometimes I didn’t even remember my dreams when I woke up I would forget them instantly. Could be cause of the sudden loss of seratonin or whatever you call that stuff.
That could be. However, I believe after a short time you brain chemistry would adapt and you would be able to recall your dreams again.
yeah it did subside eventually, but the week or two after I quit taking the medication sucked for my dreaming.
I used to take opiates (Percocet, Lorcet, Oxycontin, etc.) and they always gave me vivid dreams, more frequently than not, bad dreams…has anyone else ever noticed the connection between taking opiates and enhanced dreaming/nightmares or is it just me? I’ve searched online for this connection before and the only stuff I’ve found is sites that state that opiate withdrawal can cause nightmares but I’m saying the opposite is true, maybe too much of an opiate causes weird/bad dreams. One of the first few times I ever took Percocets after having my wisdom teeth removed, I had nightmares and I was in no way addicted at the time so it couldn’t have been withdrawal nightmares because I was still “high” from the pills when I went to sleep. Thanks for any input…
There is a topic that specifically covers opiates. VicodinCheck it out.
Thanks, I’ll do that…I guess I should’ve searched the forum first but I saw other posts in this topic about pills so I went for it.