mind medicine room

I got this idea from my wife who read a book called Mind Magic by Betty Shine, a famous healer.
She believes that we all have the power to heal ourselves. It is a visualization technique where you create a room in your head, somewhere nice and light with nice views out the windows. And a nice easy chair.Visualize a shelf and then create some jars or bottles of pills on it. This is your mind pharmacy. Whatever ails you, you can create something to counter it. For instance, to combat period pain, my wife takes period pain pills. If she can’t sleep, she takes a sleeping pill. I go in there and take the strongest anti histamine in the world , and I havent been bothered by my hay fever yet this spring/summer.
So I got to thinking, you could create an LD pill, or a dream recall pill. I took a couple LD pills a few days ago, and have had 2 LD’s in the last 4 days. Possibly coincidence, and also I connect LD occurence with the frequency of any meditation I do, but I don’t see why this technique can’t have a positive influence on one’s INTENT.
Try it and see for yourself.

Yes, i think this would work, i might even try it.
But if you are feeling pain and taking imaginary tablets, you should make sure there isn’t something wrong or serious first.

Sorry alex, was that supposed to be serious?

Good advice monty.
I think I may have to try this one…it’s free, it’s harmless and it’s a good lesson on using your imagination!


Better yet, why not take the pills in a LD? Dreams are much more vivid (for me at least) then visualization :cool_laugh:
Ill try to do it in my next LD :smile:

Neo, I be slightly confused. If I am already in an LD, what would be the need for LD pills, unless perhaps they were Increase Lucidity Now pills.
I was thinking more along the lines of help for people who don’t have regular LD’s (like me), but then again, you could be onto something. You could have have shapeshifting pills, teleporting pills etc for people who find those things hard (like me).Nice one.

I’ll explain. I, for example, have an LD only about every month/3 weeks. I could definitly use more. You could tell yourself that the pills would help you have LDs in the future, not just immedatly. I could for example OD on LD pills :tongue: and be set to go for like a month! When i first posted, i accually ment that you could LD pills for other things, like being sick and stuff.

interesting idea!

inspirational, thanks for sharing that - you could indeed also take some LD pills with you in a dream and instead of shouting increase lucidity, you just take your LD pill :grin:

(of course you have to watch out in what dream country you are before taking any curious pills with you :wink: )

it would also be interesting to expand the healing room into your dreams, so instead of visualising it, entering it in a ld and take a pill for your ailments.

I understand now Neo. Sounds like a top idea to me, and also visiting the mind medicine room while lucid is a great idea too. Perhaps a Stay Lucid Longer Pill would be the order of the day for me as I can tend towards shorter LD’s until I develop a good habit.

that mind clinic is VERY GOOD! the pills havent worked for me but its very good

last week i had my wisdom teeth pulled, and i have used the healing room to help me relieve the pain. It is really cool - in mine i have also healers and they will treat me with something that helps me. So not really pills i take but some kind of treatment i get in there.

If i remember to do it, and if i have a LD (last one was a long time ago - i only have those semi-lucid and pre-lucid dreams) i will try and visit my room too and see if i can speak to the healers.

Alice in Wonderland springs to mind. You know, the whole “eat me”/“drink me” thing?

Haha! pasQuale: Did it work??? Are your cheecks feeling okay? I had a semi-lucid and forgot to do it :grrr:

wow, this whole clinic thing is crazy awsom! (sorry, dont got anymore vocabulary that could define it, exept the words that i enjoy making up :shy: ) So, when you are in your clinic, is it supposed to look very vivid? or is it kind of like a day dream, exept you know what yo uare doing? or is it less then that? Do you see in great detail? Sorry for the same question being asked over and over, its just i want to make sure im doing it the way i think i am supposed to, and not the wrong way… get my drift?


I imagine that theres a large circular room with pills for everything you start off with 1000 pills in each box which are:
lucid dreaming pills:
1 pill gaurantees to give you a lucid dream
2 pills gaurantees to give you lucid dreams for a week
3 blah blah blah for a month
dream recall pills
1=dream recall
2=very good dream recall
3=remember everything recall
explosion pills
err these arent for eatin’ just throw them and they blow theyre my favourite :wink:
there are many other pills but im too lazy to write them all oh yeah and i get one ditto pill a day becos like i sed you get 1000 pills to start with when you eat them they go away but each day you get a free ditto pill with which you can put in any box you like
oh and it says gaurantes so if they dont work you get all the pills in that box back to 1000 did i forget anything?

I’ve only been doing it over the last six weeks, so I’m hardly an expert. However, every time I go in it seems to be a little clearer. There aren’t too many details to focus on, just windows (which look out onto a nice view) on both of my side walls, a skylight to make it nice and light in there, a shelf unit for my pills and a comfy chair where I can sit for a while.

i didn’t manage to get a lucid dream about it, but i did go in there before going to sleep. It actually helped. I went in and the healers put 3 some kind of mega acupuncture needles made of different colors of light into it. i imagined they had to do something with concentrating and ‘sucking up’ the pain, because they would become black over time and then when i would come again they would clean them or put new ones in.

it helped me go to sleep and gave me some comfort. But the (real) painkillers did most of the job i guess. Man i’m so happy i have only 4 wisdom teeth and those where the last 2 pulled.

this night i had a lucid dream but i had completely forgotten about the healing room so i didn’t try and visit it.

talking of lucid dreaming pills. one night in a lucid dream, i decided to make an attempt to retrieve a gift for the world dreams peace bridge.


now, my goal was to see a big presentation outline some kind of peace project. it worked - there was this huge stand outlining how i could resolve things with my dad. peace often begins in the home.

hehe… anyway… back on topic. the other cool thing was that there were these two pills called neurotone pills’ haha… ! apparently they helped improve dream recall!

other cool things that have been given to me by spirit guide like characters, were POWER MINTS… mmm. they were tasty!

there’s probably a few other varieties i’ve been offered, but i’d have to think about it. cool, huh :smile:

This really appeals to me as I tend to worry a lot about illness. I’ll try it out for increasing LD’s as well

Yes, what o good idea. This may be a way to tell your sub-c exactly what you want. Like a better way than repeatedly telling it.

So what happens if you take an overdose of LD pills?