Mind Over Body

ok so here is a thought. didnt really know where to put it.

bet there is a way to control your body. (bet your laughing right now)
i mean like. increasing body temp. fighting off diseases and such. and figuring out what vitamins your body needs, u know stuff like that.
im going to try to do that in a LD idk would be cool

also another thought. since when your dreaming all u use is visualization to create the images and such. it would be cool if we had such powerful visualization that we could create images of things (and or emotions/feelings) in real life! would be awesome

I think it is actually possible to “enter your mind” while being in a LD and “showing” your brain what to do by focusing a healing energy on certain diseases and other issues with your body. I don’t know if I read it on this site or not but I think it’s actually happened before and the problem place was significantly healed. You may have to be experienced and familiar with the human body though. It’s been done before and it’s definitely worth a shot. Try it.

You may even be able to get rid of smaller things like zits and skin blemished by focusing and “showing” your body what to do to heal it. Give it a shot and post the results. This might be better posted in the LD4all Lab.

visualization must be practiced while awake until it is vivid enough that you can see it as if it were real,

for instance, visualize a glass of tea.

or a digital clock, watch the numbers tick by in seconds, this keeps your mind very busy.

It’s all possible

Yes it is very possible. You just have to BELIEVE it.

Mind is the operator of the body. Without mind, body is lifeless. That is well known. You cannot even walk a single step, take a single breathe, without thinking about it before you do it.

Who do you think controls your body ? In case you didn’t know, it’s your brain. And who controls your brain ? No one else than yourself. Current society conditions people to think that their subconscious activities are out of their control and not really ‘theirs’.

You don’t ‘just breathe’, ‘just sleep’, ‘just pee’, it doesn’t happen by accident. You’re in charge of everything. Start by controlling small things like hiccups and gradually go deeper and deeper into your mind.

ya i can control my hiccups! i wait a few seconds. then if it doesnt stop or gets really annoying. i go “into” the hiccup. then relaxe all the tension. then i just “tell?” it to stop. hard to explain.

but the mind is a powerful thing. so is the body. both need eachother. the mind needs blood. and something to control and interact with the enviorment. but you need balance. im going to stop know cause im just going off about nothing.

I have thought of this many times aswell. Most people here probably know it’s not too hard to control your own mood, with a bit of willpower you can easily make yourself happy, (or tell yourself you are, and believing it).

Feeling good means being healthy, more than the other way around i believe. I also believe people can make their selves ill, people who are very depressed drop their immune system and get ill a lot quicker… so subconsciously we control all these little ‘switches’ in our body… it might just take a while to figure out how to control manually… but i doubt i’d want to…

Reminds me of a story of this man, who kept telling the doctor he was going to have a heart attack. The doc did many tests on him and he was in a perfectly healthy condition. Two weeks later he did die off a heart attack.

why wouldnt you want to. its not like you would have to do it all manually, you body is in autopilot unless you want to make a few different calculations. so you can just change the stuff you want. unless you dont even want to do that!

p.s im also making another topic about the power of the mind. so will be up today. will deal with photographic memory, reading way fast, all sorts of stuff. kinda a experiment cause im doing it now, but not formal. so prob wont go there. but i mod might move it there.
will post a link

link to my topic on the power of awareness,
ld4all.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t … highlight=

studies were done in which people learned to deeply mimmick complicated facial expressions, even putting electrodes in them to stimulate certain muscles into being used consciously to make them complete

they found t hat when they put their face in an expression, it caused them to feel this way


supposing you were to get up and smile really huge and go something like HAH!

really loud

there is laughter yoga for this purpose, where groups of people get together and start laughing, and at some point the laughing becomes real, ?

we’ve heard stories of some man who cured himself by watching comedies,
what if you were to simply laugh ?

That’s terrific.

One day, me and a couple of friends were walking down a street in tel aviv and one of them just said: " Let’s have a laugh , shall we ? " (It’s quite different in Hebrew … but you get the point…) and he just started laughing on purpose. Without noticing it, after about 10-15 seconds, we were all Really laughing, hysterically, in a way that was impossible to stop.

Laughing Yoga is Sweet.

yes i have seen this fellow!

i wonder how long if you were to practice on your own, it would take for it to become true joy and humor ? i must try when driving some time.