Mirror and dream incubation

Im going to try it.

i just did it, sitting on my bed about 5 ft away, saw like… bruce willis in the left half of my face…

then i tried it like 2 ft away so i could actually see my eyes, and it wasn’t as effective, but also it had been 10-15 minutes and i was getting bored and restless.

i sat 2 ft away with the candle in front of me (this mirror is on the closet door, and is wall tall) and i just stared at my eyes… its hard to do, must be a great exercise in focus.

i also at one point turned into the mumbly stapler guy from office space, sort of…

my subconscious has been RAPED by movies and television :sad: :sad: :sad:
i’m sorry subconscious.

wow im sorry that you subc got RAPED that must have hurt…

yeah, sometimes it takes it out on me by making me have nightmares about rugrats

for real i’ve had a few recently i think.

sometimes the rugrats scared me when i was little. dammit all.


im laughing

the episode where chuckie gets a new bed, and it shows it in black and white with scary music… scared me and gave me a nightmare when i was young, a really bad one just in terms of emotions produced.

i’ve also had many a nightmare about simpsons halloween episodes.

I gonna try that mirror gazing technique, i want to see what my “real face” looks like.

so i’ve been doing this a few days, can’t make it to 40 mins yet though, but it seems like it makes me see people differently, especially women… its like most of them have lost all sexual appeal to me… like i see them as people, not objects, just completely neutral.

i dunno…

my candle also flickers like crazy when i do this… it may be a bad wick though.

“…makes me see people differently, especially women… its like most of them have lost all sexual appeal to me… like i see them as people, not objects, just completely neutral.”

Now,thats scary thing!:slight_smile: