

Is there another method to see “other persons” through an ordinary mirror, since I dont like silence in complete darkness.

yea, connect to love and wholesome goodness, appreciation, forget psychic nonsense and forget darkness

sit silently in meditation doing nothing and letting any dread or bad feelings go if this is giving you problems because they are BS

when you are in a good mood just sit and stare into your eyes in a mirror, with the lights on, and just do it

its fine that way.

love yourself.

Oh … my error Ghostie :razz:
Is this experiement with the flashlight supposed to be done IRL or in an LD ? sorry if that question is stupid …

Why is everybody writing Ghostie when it is GHOSTIE :confused:
I dont know if its supposed to be done IRL.

What does BS even mean.

After almost 4 months of inactivity, GHOSTIE wakes the Mirrortopic to life :bow:
Some of you may wonder how I remember this thread :razz:

What I wanted to say is that when I was in the car on the way home I looked on the window in half-sleep (my conciussness was almost gone). I saw many faces from myself, including alienfaces, and ironicly (Im a Lightsider) I saw the Darklord and he saw me :scared:

And thats it :razz:

hmmm… I think it’s kinda creepy, looking straight at your reflection with a very blank stare. :bored:

Yes, but your reflection only changes and show other forms when its dark (providing you see)

And you need to concentrate, it was long ago I was doing this :whistle:

I wonder if you put a bunch of mirrors together so they reflect upon eachother, you can see things the normal eye can’t…Like ghosts or spirits or something…

You can if its dark enough and its enough with one mirror. One thing you can do with mirrors is to put one behind a window and look at the mirror. You see an infinite long walkway that you cant get into. I dont know how it would look if you had mirrors covering the entire room, but I know it looks different with a very weak light.

ok i agree with alot which has been said on this topic but i gotta be the sceptic here and ask the question
isnt it just a piece of glass thats reflective?
for instance spoons are relective. agreed?..yes
so if you get spoons lined up so you can see a reflection of spoons constantly refleting of each other (like the mirror hallway thing) its the same thing but you would contemplate that there might be other universes or parralel worlds within the spoon would you?
ok the whole pass lives in your eyes seems more plausable but it could just be to the dark light mied with phycological stuff which could just lead to your eyes playing tricks.

But everything like this just bays don to your belie system doesnt it!