Missed Happenings

I remember this as clear as the day light today as if it really happened. You will read why I say this too.
I was watching Raising Arizona for the first time when I was about 5 or 6 years old at my aunt Mary’s and uncle Felix’s house. We were at the scene were Nicholas Cage was about to take a baby. I remember seeing a baby that looked like me and my mom saying “take that one! that one!” because it looked like me. Everyone laughed who was in the room.

Now that I look back at the movie there was not a baby that looked like me. I am african american and all the babies were Caucasian. Now that I look back at this experience it was not my mom who had said this. It was another presence or something, it was like it was somebody there though in the room with me as though they had a body. I possibly had an obe when awake. I don’t know though.

There is another one that I have of when I was a toddler, about one and a half years old. I was standing on top of this slide with a group of kids, there was this blond kid that I didn’t recognize from any other of my memories except this one. It was a boy or a girl I couldn’t tell who was wearing a pinkish reddish uniform with a cap of some sort. He/she told me to go down this salamander slide (this slide was real at a shopping mall, i went back to it later). The thing about this slide is I don’t remember seeing it but when I asked people say it was there, and then there was this one time I saw it after I asked. This slide was at a mall playground. I wouldn’t go down so the kid pushed me but also went down with me. My knee started bleeding through my baby white panty hose. I was in shock. The next thing I remember was that I was at a doctors office place getting a treat. It was a dum dum lollipop. The lady behind the counter at the office threw it at me and I caught it. I remember my aunt Christine being happy that I caught it. But I don’t know who else was there. The lady behind the counter asked “she caught it? wow.” or something like that. I saw the little boy/girl at this desk in the office playing a game or something and then his mom came in and said “apologize to the little girl.” and the little boy/girl said “I’m sorry, mom do I get a treat too.” and then the mom said no and took the boy/girl away who was fussing because he/she didn’t get a treat. I remember this as though it actually happened and the only proof i have is that there was a slide that is real. This was not a dream from what I remember.
My thoughts; How could I have known what was happening at an age that young, although I do think babies recognize certain situations in a comprehensive way that adults do not know, so maybe it was a recall of what happened during a certain day and most of what I remember are fragments of a certain situation. To me it sounded like a stressful day.
Any body else have any experiences like these? Thoughts and comments are well apperciated.