I have just began trying to LD and i cannot think of anything better than having absolute freedom but i was just wondering if anyone has ever had regrets about losing the randomness and entertainment of regular dreams. I was just thinking that if i was conscious of my dreams that I might miss out on that little vision into my subconscious that regular dreams are. I know its sorta a stupid question but i was just wondering. It seems like I could never think of any of my dreams if I was conscious.
well i’m sure you still have the regular random dreams right? i’d be surprised if you didn’t… not every dream you dream is lucid is it? if so, tell me what your technique is i’d love to know it
either way, if you still miss the randomness and you never have those regular dreams… you can just follow the course of the lucid dream without making everything yourself. just go along with the dream and you can be sure that it will be just as random as a regular dream.
theres a whole discusion bout this:
oh, i havent had many lucid dreams recently. Sorry if i mislead you. I was speaking hypothetically. I do remember having alot of lucid dreams when i was a child of course I didnt realize thats what they were. I wonder if there is something i had then that I dont have now. Its depressing thinking of what i may have lost.
I would like to read it, but the link gives me the main page of this forum.
What I want to add so far.
Even in lucid dreams you are not in complete control I guess.
When I try to jump to some place, the wind is sometimes blowing me back, soo when I touch the ground I end up where I jumped. I can’t remember now other things like that that happened too me, but I’m sure there are…