Mojo Jojo Dream Incubation

While lying still waiting to enter my dream via the WBTB + WILD technique this morning, I was repeatedly stating my intended dream over and over again, in hopes that my subconscious would pick up on the desire to create that particular dream for me when I crossed over into the dream state. This method of dream induction has had mixed results for me, with the majority of times having little to no impact on the actual dream content that actualized once I began dreaming.

To be perfectly honest, I found saying the same exact phrase over and over to myself both repetitive and increasingly insignificant. It made it too easy for my mind to drift to other topics and therefore loose focus of my intentional efforts to have a particular dream. After a while, I found it more distracting to stay on this particular dream topic the longer I lay there and continually tell myself what I wanted to dream, and this resulted in prolonging the WILD effort overall.

So I decided to slightly alter the grammatical structure of the intended dream mantra and continuously come up with new ways to phrase the same idea, just using similar words in a different order….much like the MojoJojo character does for all his dialogue in the Power Puff Girls cartoon.

For those not familiar with this show, Mojo Jojo basically says his lines three or four times in a row, stating his purpose, but changing the way in which he says it each time.

For instance, in taunting the Power Puff Girls, he would say something similar to:

“I, Mojo Jojo, am your master, and you shall obey my commands like the dogs you are! Because I am your master, it is I who you will obey! Obeying commands is what you’ll do! I will give you commands, and you will obey them!”

While this is meant to be humorous for the purpose of the TV show, I found this method of restating the same idea, but in a different way, quite effective in creating the dream scene I was envisioning when I finally entered my dream and lucidly realized that this was indeed where I pictured myself while lying in bed.

Lets say I wanted to have a specific flying dream, where I wanted to soar over vast landscapes of mountains. My induction dialogue would go something like:

“I will dream I am flying over a mountainous landscape. As I fly, I will see mountains everywhere. Flying in my dream will be incredible, because I will soar and swoop over beautiful mountain ranges. The mountains in my dream will look gorgeous as I fly over them”

Not only did this change up the monotony of waiting for a dream to begin, but it seems to have made a greater impact on my subconscious and its perception of my expectations and desires.

I have only attempted this once so far, as I just thought of it this morning, but I plan to try again and see if I have any repeated successes. And I’d be interested to know if anyone else has success with this technique or any variations of it.

Wow! Ok, so this morning, I halfway did WBTB, only getting up for a few quick minutes and then laying back down. I didn’t really focus on dream induction this time because I still felt very tired. But sure enough, the dream that I had inducted yesterday morning using the Mojo Jojo Dream Induction technique appeared again. Except this time, it was fulfilled 3x more vivid and lasted 3 times longer! Also worth mentioning is this time the LD occurred via MILD instead of WILD. The dream familiarity with what I wanted to occur caused me to reflect "Hey, this is just like the dream I wanted to have. Wait a second, (nose plug RC), this IS a dream!

Apparently my subconsious really took note and got the message. It was even better after incubating for a full day. Yesterday’s LD now really just felt like a preview, with this morning’s LD becoming the true wish fullfilment I was hoping for. And just as a side note…this is the first time I have had back to back days of LDs since 2006! I’ll definately be trying this again.

Congrtats on your results! :happy: It sounds like a pretty good idea to me too, I’ll see if I give it a try and post my results. I usually don’t repeat my mantra over and over and over exactly because I find it boring and get distracted easily and because it doesn’t really give me much result…

Did someone say

I had such mantra problems too.
e.g. repeated “I’m dreaming” would easily become “I’m signing” :eh:
I’ll sure try it. :content:

I’ve done this several times, and it works very well IMO. The big trick to MILD is repeating the intention over and over, which unfortunately can get lost with the same mantra over and over. This is a really good hybrid between MILD and simple autosuggestion that does just that, repeats the intention.

That sounds like it would work, since constantly rewording the mantra would prevent you from boring yourself to death. I’ll try this tonight, but there’s no guarantee that it’ll work for me, since I’m not much of a MILD person.

I did this regularly as well, was the only thing that saved me from boredom at times :tongue: and since itìs the intention that matters, this method forces you to keep it always in mind so you can formulate new phrases. It’s nice to have it noted down though :content:

Nice drawing, Leeh! That’s the little evil monkey I’m taking about.

I tend to use the terms DILD and MILD interchangebly, since the differences are sublte (at least to me). I did find it interesting that this rotating-phrased format of the dream intention works for both WILD and DILD.

And the incubation lingers for quite some time, as I had similar dreams over the last few nights that were not only awesome becaue it was what i inteded, but it really made it easier to reconginze it as a dream and become Lucid in the first place.

Update…I had two LDs separated by a FA this morning after doing WBTB+WILD and using this method of dream incubation. The location and people I attempted to dream about were not the same, but the activities were quite similar to what I had planned to do. I’m wondering if like the last time, 24 hours later I will get a more complete dream experience including people and places being accurate. I’ll be trying again tomorrow morning to see if that is indeed the case. But for now, this seems to be (for me anyway) a significant step forward in producing more frequent LDs. Only one time before have I had two different LDs in the same sleeping session.

There does indeed appear to be something to this technique. I had another WILD LD this morning and ended up in the location I had incubated 24 hours earlier. And consecutive days with LDs is rare for me. I’m sticking with it and loving the results.

Wow! Congrats on such amazing results!
I think I’m going to try this tonight! :tongue: