I personally wouldn’t go so far as to ever hurt a dream character. I mean, what is the point? There’s no need for it, and what kind of attitude is that to have?
Basically the only moral I try to stick to in my dreams is “Do unto other (dream characters) as you would have them do unto you.”
Other than that I’m cool with anything
The point is to break those every day moral bonds that we adhere to in our day-to-day society.
Its like asking, “whats the point of dreaming?”
I have had sex with a dreamcharacter that happened to be dog, also my mother when she was young and i have killed so many people i lost the count ages away, I have explored every methood there is to murder a dream character, and I do not feel bAd about it at all. also, sex with nightmare characters is the best, you gotta try it, as long as the boogie man is not sickenly repulsive and of the sex you prefer, it´s the greatest
That brings up very bad memory from '03 (when I first started to LD, some monster that looked like something out of the Cell). It depends, I only have morals if I feel like it. I’ll be a puppet, or control people to do evil things,etc. I don’t see most dream characters as people; just as illusions or parts of myself.
I have always wondered if being immoral while LDing effects your sanity…(Probably )
Flo (a great LD’er) has killed a lot of DC’s for years, in all the possible ways, and she became a buddhist and practise meditation . Ummm… I wonder if it’s the proof that it has effected her sanity…
At least it did it for the better. I could say others things about some familiars of mine. I’ve noticed they seem to feel a bit more arrogant.
I guess LDs really help get things out of our systems.
There is an active discussion at the Dutch version of LD4All about the ethics of lucid dreaming. In other words: does moral exsist within a lucid dream? For example: is it wise or acceptable to kill an innocent little girl that walks by, just because you have the power to do so and you don’t have to bear the consequences IRL?
Imo that’s entirely subjective and firmly connected with who you are. Personally I don’t think it’s wise to kill DCs, because they’re part of you, and you shouldn’t kill yourself just for fun…
I definitely have morals in my lucid dreams. In fact, many times I’ve become lucid due to the fact that I know that in real life I wouldn’t be in certain situations (sex, stealing, etc) If I can stop and think “Wait, would I be doing this in real life?” the answer is a definite no and I stop whatever and change the dream. I’ve never had an LD long enough to seriously interact with DC and what not, but I strongly believe that if I’m lucid enough, my convictions will follow through.
I don’t kill my DC’s, even nightmares. If I have a lucid nightmare, I use LaBerges method, and confront it verbaly. If I killed a DC, I think I would feel bad when I woke up
The only thing I wouldn’t do in dreams is take drugs.
This has always been a hard one for me, and there’s no easy answer to it.
If you take the common viewpoint that lucid dreaming is solely a product of your imagination and has no crossover into any kind of reality (OBE’s included), then any act which would be considered a crime in waking life, is not actually a crime because there is no victim (other than yourself, possibly).
We need the “safety valve” of fantasy to explore issues which we would never adhere to in our waking lives. Our subconscious demonstrates this to us sometimes when we wake from a non-lucid dream and think “My
God, why did I just dream that?!!” . This is a natural human aspect, and doesn’t make us bad people.
The difficulty arises only with lucid dreaming, because we remain conscious and in control of our responses and emotions.
I think that the answer has to be an individual one. Only YOU truly know yourself. If you can commit an immoral act in a lucid dream and wake up knowing it was just a part of your fantasy world and that you are still a good person really, then it’s probably OK. I just worry that there is a large section of society who can’t make that distinction, and that concerns me…
Nickspry: Agreed. I was very much concerned with the dreams that accompany “nocturnal emissions” and upon waking would regret the dream, but I’ve come to learn that [the dreams that accompany wet dreams] are natural despite Cinderella singing “a dream is a wish the heart makes.” But like you said, once we are in control and concious of our decisions, I think it changes somewhat. IWL, I don’t think of immoral issues, I don’t swear in my head, etc. If something pops in, I can force it out immediately. I guess what I’m trying to say is: since I hold this paradigm and these convictions throughout the day, I just feel it would be hypocritical of me to totally disregard everything I value in a concious dream.
Anyone else feel this way or am I just the über-choir boy?
I merged the “Ethics of lucid dreaming” topic within the “Morals in dream” topic, which is about the same subject.
I must say for me, it’s incredibly awkward to have a ND (wet dream) about someone and then see them right in the morning at school or at work…
Oke, thanks you . I guess I haven’t looked hard enough for a already exsisting topic on this subject. Sorry .
Yes, I know. Some nights ago I dreamt about a girl at school with which I made love. The next day I saw her at school and we talked a bit, but I felt a bit uncomfortable because I still saw her as the girl that I made love to.
Strange .
If I become something thats supposed to be evil in my dreams its funny cause I always get hung up on the morals. I don’t hurt people because I don’t want to I guess.I’m not one of those people who are curious about what it would be like to kill someone. If I’m part of a group it turns into a nightmare because I end up running (or flying around) worried about the others killing me if they find out that I won’t do what they are doing. Of course my sense of morals basically center on causing pain. If we’re talking sex or something then you know thats what dreams are for.
merged from “Dream Karma and morality”
Do you believe that your actions in dreams really have no consequences whatsoever? What do you think would happen, hypothetically, if every time you had an LD you went on a murdering rampage and killed thousands of DCs? Obviously you would become a bit perverted in real life, and maybe be more inclined towards violence, but that’s a purely psychological effect. I’m talking metaphysical impacts here.
I seem to have sex with every girl i meet (or create) in a lucid dream. Is this immoral in any respect? Would it be immoral if i had a girlfriend?
If dream characters are more than just figments of your imagination, then i’d suggest that actions within your dreams do indeed have consequences.
I don’t think it’s immortal at all because it is inside your mind and it harms nobody. I think it’s built for you to express your feeling and have a better understanding of yourself. Not to mention that karma isn’t solely for punishing you, but to help you to move on.