More sleep = good

I am amazed as to how much sleep you get can really hinder your ability to LD. Last night I had 8 hours of sleep and I remembered about 3.5 dreams 1 lucid . but the night before that I had but 7 hours of sleep and I remembered only a fragment of one dream [45 words worth].

I was woundering how much time of sleep people here get? I tend to do better with DR when I have atleast 8-10 hours of sleep. I can remember individual dreams when I wake up in the middle of REM cycles. But I forget those individual dreams if I dont write them down on a short ammount of sleep. whereas if I had about 9 hours of sleep I would remember all of the REM cycles for that night. How much sleep does everyone here get?

The limit to where I usually remember dreams, is 3 hours of sleep. Any less, and I can’t remember anything else than HI. If I got very little sleep the night before, I can sleep for 10 hours and remember nothing! The best dreans usually come after 7-8 hours :cool: I usually get 5-6 hours on work days,(too much internet i guess), and more than 10 hours on sundays! More than half of all my LDs come on Sunday mornings…guess there could be a connection. :cool:

The first few dreams of a night are the deep ones. It’s very rare to have them lucid and it’s also harder to remember them.

people normally need at least 7 hours of sleep in 24 hours. I think dreams become somewhat softer or lighter after the basic 7 hours. Maybe that’s why you remember them better.

I’ve actually never been lucid before I passed the 7 hours. :shy:

For me it depends, sometimes I even remember a dream from the first REM of the night. Other nights I only remember what I dreamt about after sleeping for about 6-7 hours. And I seem to get the longest dreams after about 6 hours of sleep. Before that REM cycles are a bit short and after that I usually keep waking up because of… lots of different reasons :sad: It’s either too cold or too hot or there’s some noise outside or I’m just not that tired or… bleh.

Edit: I forgot to add that I’ve been lucid a few times before sleeping for 6 hours, but I usually get lucid after that. And if I sleep more than 10 hours I have almost 100% chance of getting lucid, but then again those LDs seem to be quite short since I’m so close to waking up.

I usually have better dreams after more sleep (8hrs+). But it can be unpredictable. Also with me it depends a lot on my mood. My best LD’s are often when I’m happy or relaxed eg. no work the next morning. I need to have a clear mind without lots of worries.

I found that when I only have the chance to sleep 6- hours i have bad recall but I get the best when I get 7+ hours a few nights in a row

Pretty odd, how naps always give me the best recall. An hour-long nap usually gives me better recall than nine hours of full sleep, even though I dream less. But that’ll probably change as my dream recall improves.

I find sleep plays a big role in rememberign ym dreams. I like to have 10 to 12 hours of sleep (I’m lazy).

Although I usually only get about 9 at the most. It interrputs my dream recall, and leaves me feeling tired.

My first lucid dream was the first day of Easter vacation, I think. I think a big factor of it was because I was able to sleep in. The last stage of sleep is just all REM until you wake up, right?