Morning glory

Hey all, i though I would share my experience with you.
This morning, i awoke at about 9 o clock, which was wierd in itself becuase i fell asleep at 1 and I usually wake at 11ish, this may of been becuase I was listening to bwgen (Deep theta).

Anyway after that i decided i would try and fall back asleep. So I did. Then I woke up once more, and I thought to myself; this could be my chance to LD, with such a light sleep. I didnt try any technique, I just thought that wen I was asleep I would probably know I was dreaming (It was an incredibly light sleep, I wasnt sure wen my dreams were ending and RL was beginning).

Soon enough I Was in a dream, then I suddenly thought “i’m dreaming”, I became lucid!! I was very calm seeing as it is my first LD, it only lasted a few seconds becuase i tried to walk through a wall and i woke up.

Does any one else think that waking up in the morning (not WBTB) is the key to LDing??

Well if you wake up more in the morning you also get more chances to do techs :cool: And the more times you wake up in the morning the lighter sleep you usually have, and that means you will have a higher chance to get lucid. But I think you are also more likely to wake up from your LDs then :sad: And they might be shorter since you wake up more. But I guess that if you only wake up once every REM it would be perfect. Then you could do a tech and get lucid and then have a long LD :cool:

I had about 90% of my LD-s with WBTB involved.
I think this technique is effective because the mind is very suggestable in this state. And if you do something it can enter into your subconscious easily.

congratulations on your LD philthemn! :content: yeah it’s much easier to have a lucid dream in the morning, seeing that very short time intervenes between REM cycles(about 5 minutes), so it is easy to carry intentions into the dream, or to fall asleep consciously. But Jarod is right if you slept too much then the dreams would be unstable. In my experience the best time for LDing is after 4.5 - 6 hours of sleep.

Good Luck!