Hey all, i though I would share my experience with you.
This morning, i awoke at about 9 o clock, which was wierd in itself becuase i fell asleep at 1 and I usually wake at 11ish, this may of been becuase I was listening to bwgen (Deep theta).
Anyway after that i decided i would try and fall back asleep. So I did. Then I woke up once more, and I thought to myself; this could be my chance to LD, with such a light sleep. I didnt try any technique, I just thought that wen I was asleep I would probably know I was dreaming (It was an incredibly light sleep, I wasnt sure wen my dreams were ending and RL was beginning).
Soon enough I Was in a dream, then I suddenly thought “i’m dreaming”, I became lucid!! I was very calm seeing as it is my first LD, it only lasted a few seconds becuase i tried to walk through a wall and i woke up.
Does any one else think that waking up in the morning (not WBTB) is the key to LDing??