Most beautiful Word?

Ambivalence, based on how it sounds.

Misericordia, based on what it means.

Lollygagging, based on how it looks, especially when written in a fluid, cursive hand with long tails.

I quite agree. Although I didn’t know that was the most beautiful word until a moment ago.

castle, but only when you say it like CASSell. it’s fun. like angel does in ‘i’ll cover you’ in rent…
elixir(i went through a harry potter phase and that word stuck, especially if you say it with the british accent)
eschew(hehe, it’s fun :tongue: )
ingenue. it’s so much fun to say! and it’s phantom related. :content:
antidisestablishmentarianism(so much fun!)
tintinnabulation(it’s goofy. it called to me)
floccinaucinihilipilification(good luck pronouncing that one, eh?)
and, of course,
wabbit. it means exhausted, tired, worn out. i pronounced my r’s as w’s until 6th grade, so easter was a horrible time for me. :smile:

Chaos, for how it sounds, not it’s meaning. Also luminous. All I can think of now.


Merely because i’m the only person I know that can actually say it.

Also, I think “Pie” is a beautiful word, because pie is a beautiful thing.

Also, I would say Japanese is, in my opinion, the most beautiful language.

sings the theme tune to an anime series

Afurute yuku no wa kono kimochi…

‘Dream’ is my favorite word. Then ‘Dreamscape’. :grin:

it can only be dream



Kaloogo (sp?) I can’t find the correct spelling for it but I saw it on Planet Earth that mini series on Discovery. A kaloogo is a flying squirrel. Yeah~

Most beautiful word = beautiful?

“Krieg” - which is German for “war.”

I especially like saying it accented, in a low tone, with a slight rumble in my voice.

And “oblivion.” Yes… “oblivion” sounds nice, too.

Papilion. I’ve always liked that word.

Hmmm… a beautiful word?

Sapphire – Ever since seeing “The Lion King” when I was little, I always thought that was a really amazing word. “With the sun rolling high in the sapphire sky keeps great and small on the endless round! It’s the CIIIRRRRCLLE OF LIIIIIFE…”

Clairvoyant – It sounds like the title of a psychic working at the side of a mighty king… I always think of that when I hear the word. :content:

Majesty – COME ON, it’s a GREAT word.

Somehow I like the word inexorable—not for it’s meaning, just for how it sounds. (Kind of like cellar door). :content: For some reason, the word makes me think of the sound of trickling water.

Apocalypse (the lifting of the veil); the final chapter and the end of the world of the bible.
Ragnarök (fate of the gods); the battle at the end of the world in Norse mythology.
Oblivion; to be forgot by everyone and everything for forever.
Blitzkrieg (lightning war); “an offensive operational-level military doctrine which involves an initial bombardment followed by the employment of mobile forces attacking with speed and surprise to prevent an enemy from implementing a coherent defense.”

There also was a Japaneses word meaning ‘pitifully’, ‘disappointing’ or something, but I forgot exactly what it was.

Lovecraft. It’s a name, but still deserves to be #3 under pain and Ethereal. :happy:

Shinso (神鎗). Hell, I can even read half of it!

(神 is one of the 3 Kanji I can read)

It means holy/sacred/divine spear. It’s the name of Ichimaru Gin’s (a character from the manga/anime Bleach) zanpakuto.

I like the sound of Japanese. It has no harsh sounds, it’s very smooth and balanced (between vowels and consonants). And the pronunciation is very similar to the Italian one too, save some letters (like “u” and “h”, for example). Rrrrrrr!

But it actually doesn’t sound beautiful… Shinso. The “Shi” is almost painful to pronouce, and the “so” sounds harsh.

really? I’ven’t got problems with pronouncing it (properly) at all.

i used to think the most beautifull world would be the like the shire but verywhere