moved from general lucidness
[color=red]water: emotions,moods and flow of fellinh energy
buildings/libarys: i think buildings and libarys are conected, buldings, such as youre home, represent safty & personal felings the rooms in the bulidings represent something to. libarys represent your experences in life and youre skils as well as knolig.
fiying mishins: fiying in genarel reprsents the ganing of indipendence & expresses potential flying mishens mean you wont yo gane indipendence but something is holding you back. it depends if you are flying at all.
roads: depends on how meny roads thear are, if many it might mean you are having truble diciding witch path to take in life.
old citys: depreshion or lonley ness.
school or church: it depends, are you religios? if not this is what i can say, you probibly have a strong urge to exist, you may wont, or have a sense of interdependence. the physical structre of the chirch represents inbult qualites.
hope this helps.
strange house or apartment: basicley, dreaming abought liveing in a strange house or apartment is the fear of the unknown speaking out in you, the fact that this includs youre own home singnifiys ether,1. you unconshinsly dont trust youre selfe or 2 you might feel unsafe in youre own home.
does this sound right to you? Thanks
tech break downs : maby tech break downs signify a dislike for tech? onestly i have never heard a bought them. i will post back if i find anything
[b]if any one has any commen dream sign not listed and would like to add it to the list or would like to know what it means, pm or e-mail me and i will get back to you as soon as i can[/b][/color]