I think one of the biggest mind F**** is when you are LDing and you stop and think this: My body is laying in bed asleep right now, I am standing here in my dream that I am dreaming as my body sleeps, everything around me I am mentally making myself yet I stand here, So I stand here surrounded by myself in side of myself.
I do not want to try to be too too “I know it all” but Christian theology is the only one to hold ALL answers. Doesn’t mean others are wrong. Just unfulfilled or complete. We WERE put here and i’m sorry for the people hiding behind the veil of “well everybodys right in their own way” We have to come to a census. Are there things wrong with Christians, yes. However science answers how and cannot dare to begin to answer why.
God is the only solid truth we have. And I believe he doesn’t get caught up in cemantics of " what u call him." just have something higher than human consciouxness. My heart ales for the athiest only believing in what can be touched. So sadly mistaking with a loss sense of child like wonder and imagination.
Wonderland, stop spouting your beliefs at others. LD4all isn’t your mission, and likewise there’s no one here who wish to receive it. You have beliefs, that’s great, but there’s a fine line between having beliefs and spreading propaganda. Just be mindful of that.
@dreamwalker: That definitely seems like a mindf***. LDing in general is so…unreal. It’s just crazy to think that we can control and create a world that doesn’t even “exist” as we know it. Just the thought of dreams is somewhat absurd if you think about it.
@ Wond3rland: I’m sorry, I don’t believe in God, or any god for that matter-- I’m what you’d call an agnostic atheist.
So I don’t really buy that whole thing. It’s not a loss of childlike creativity and wonder-- in fact, being an aspiring animator and cartoonist, I’m in that frame of mind almost constantly. I take in a lot of what others miss out on due to not having that sense of wonder and ability to have fun with what you have. I absolutely enjoy it, and this is part of the reason dreaming interests me-- it’s basically unadulterated fantasy, in which you can experience anything you want.
So I’d appreciate it if you didn’t describe everyone who doesn’t believe in God as having lost their inner child and sense of imagination. Because that’s as shallow as they come.
EDIT: And quite frankly, I’m insulted by that “my heart aches for atheists” line.
EDIT 2: No, you know what, I’m offended by that whole set of posts.
I think that this thread has been derailed long enough, no?
Wonderland, you ought to have more respect for other peoples beliefs, we’re here to talk about the nature of dreams, not whose belief system is better.
I personally think that dreams take place in the mind. They can only take our minds to a place in the loosest of senses; such as meditation may take our minds to a calm place, or at times of stress we may look for a happy place within ourselves. It is my belief that it is in that sense alone that dreams may take us places.
If you sit down and imagine a park with indigo bricks and yellow trees , is it in your mind ? (yes?..)
But what if I can see it too ? What if you can see yourself there and I could to meet you and we could talk ? Would is still be in your mind ? Would it be in our mind ? Or would it be out there ?
If you can feel the trees , hear the birds, and smell the flowers in that park, just like you can a dream , what makes it any less real than physical reality ? If I can come join you in that park ? It’s different but it’s still a reality.
Where do you think that ‘physical reality’ takes place ?
When you look up at the stars tonight,
realize that you’re not actually seeing any stars. They’re not there. Those are patterns light that the stars left behind them millions of years ago as they moved…
Reality is information. Information is processed in your neo-cortex and you experience what you consider to be ‘reality’.
If you put a snake in the room, it experiences something completely different. His primary sense is that of heat. He moves and acts heat waves. Every creature sees the same pieces of information according to his own system.
Either everything is taking place in your mind, or every experience is having your mind be at some place.
The fact that one environment doesn’t have the same qualities as another doesn’t give one superiority over the other.
To make your post much shorter, I would say that:
Both dream and reality are a product of our mind, both dream and reality exists because we want to, without our senses there wouldn’t be any dream or reality.
I believe that dreams take place both in our mind and beyond it. It would have made sense to be only in our mind, but what about shared dreams? Even if we are not actually getting out of body there still is a connection between the dreamers.
Has anyone actually proved that beyond a shadow of a doubt yet?
Even remembering codes isn’t foolproof-- the mind already re-creates a lot of the dream when you try to recall it, so who’s to say it can’t fabricate the code as well?
The mind is a powerful thing, and if you want to have a shared dream badly enough, chances are you “will”.