Motivation vs. Time

Hello :smile: I’m relatively new to LD4all, and LDing as well. I have noticed my DR skyrocket the past month, and after reading much about LDs, I think I’m ready to try MILD. The only thing preventing me from actally doing the technique is that my motivation is flustered. Let me explain.

During the day, after I write in my DJ, I get a strong but calm desire for a lucid dream. I imagine myself with DCs, with the sun shining and me doing… well… anything! When night comes around, however, I suddenly lose this desire. I imagine myself alone in a dark place or a nightmare-type setting. I tell myself that if it happens to be a nightmare, I can just make it go away since I know I’m dreaming. But this doesn’t seem to help, because I’ll find that when I focus in on my mantra, I lose the will entirely and go to sleep where a ND awaits.

Is there a solution to this? What can I do so that I feel as energized about a LD at night than I do during the day?

You just gotta keep practicing making yourself do it, eventually, like dream recall, will become much easier to do when going to sleep.

Hi SoccerFan,
For most people new experiences are a mixture of excitement and fear.

Key is where you place your focus. Think about the fun things you want to do in a lucid dream, and keep reviewing and imagining.

Also read on this site about people’s favourite LDs to reinforce positive expectation.

Reading other people’s DJs can give you more of a sense of what LDs are like, so you see there is nothing to fear.

Thank you both very much for the input :smile: I’ll take a look at the Dream Diary section. It does sound very exciting to have an LD, and I’m sure once I have my first one I’ll be willed to have a second.

To this day, I have HMS (Horror Movie Syndrome. Yes I made that up :razz:) Whenever a horror movie is playing, I know I should stay away because those movies don’t settle with me well. But I just can’t. I find myself hypnotized to the screen, while my subconscience is yelling at me to turn off the television. The root of my LD problem is that I’ll be concentrating so hard not to live in a horror movie environment that I’ll end up in one. Is it probable that this will happen if I concentrate too hard on it, or can I keep myself preoccupied long enough with flying/a DC or SG/whatever else to shake these thoughts?

I’m relatively new to LDing, I didn’t know about the subject until 2 weeks ago. At first I practiced WILD, didn’t work, so Istarted focusing more in my DJ and RCs rather than ‘wanting to have an LD’. And it finally worked. This morning, I had my first LD :smile:

I experienced the same thing at first. After a while, I got over it. Just give it some time and remember that nothing in the dreamworld can actually hurt you. If you’re really having a hard time, just act like you’re not scared. It’s actually a really good tool for modifying your emotions and fears.

soccerfan, please please listen to what I say.

Horror movies are a portal into hell, available in every single person’s home. Under no circumstances should you voluntarily expose yourself to any violence or darkness whatsoever.

Let’s take an illustration as an example. Would you beat, abuse, and torture a loved one, deliberately? (No).
Would you sit around and have vivid fantasies about beating, torturing, and abusing a loved one? (No)
Would you go into your lucid dreams and beat, torture, and abuse a loved one? (No).

But, if you were watching TV, and someone were graphically hurting his family, such as in the Shining, you would watch it? I ask you an important question, WHY?

Have you heard the song Vicarious by Tool? Perhaps you should try to listen to it and interpret it literally.

Horror movies and violent content act as a vampire. It is similar to the Colloseum, in that watching these violent acts makes you a more violent person (this is why you yourself say you have “horror movie syndrome!” it doesn’t mean you will do those things, but it does mean they have a profound saturation in your mind!) and it makes it excusable for the entire society to sit back and accept gruesome and grizzly things as normal.

not only that, but they are entertained. so let’s take the news as a function. everyone is so sad for some little girl that gets kidnapped and raped, but what do they do? Do they go out looking for, do they pray? No, t hey stay transfixed to the pictures, images, to the crying family members, they stare and stare and stare at the horror, unable to look away though it sickens them so.

When airplanes hit buildings, they sit and stared, and they saw it again and again and again and again, hundreds of times they sat and watched the tragedy.

Right now they are watching Israel.

THEY ARE FEEDING A VAMPIRE. This song puts it so clear (Vicarious) I felt that way before they even made the song, and it really scared me to hear it.

You are filling your entire REALITY and your entire WORLD with violence? Do you understand just how aboslute it permeates your brain?

I can share some of my examples. I used to watch 24… one day while watching it there was an episode where they were chasing a terrorist through a mall, and he was running up and down the escalotrs shoving people out of the way.

I started to wonder… when I was around escalators in real ife… what would it be like to run from someone chasing me, and have to go up a crowded escalator? I started to fantasize about it, and I realized what bullshit! Why do I care?

When do terrorists ever chase you, or you chase them, around shopping malls? Well it happens every single day, but not in the REAL world, and yet your mind can’t tell the difference.

I used to play GTA and I’d think, man it’d be fun to run over people with my car. I used to play first person shooters, and I’d look at the stands in my high school and I’d imagine in my head how many people I could kill with a grenade launcher! And I’ll tell you, I was a “normal” kid! Imagine those who aren’t…

my friend was one of them. He became a hired criminal and did some bad things, and decided to join the army because he had nothing left he wanted to do with his life… and now has the real possibility of being in hell in a combat zone…

it’s subtle. I’m not saying you will be a killer if you listen or watch bad media.

But it DOES change you!!!

Look, what if, every single day, I sent you private messages full of gruesome fiction stories about murders and wars and evil monsters that exist… would you like talking to me? Or would I start freaking you out!!!
You do NOT have to consent to this crude form of entertainment.

It is in every speakable way a vampire, it keeps you resonating on a fear level, and it keeps your SC fantasizing about worlds where these things are real… and the worst thing is it’s a political tool.

they want you to be terrified of drugs, rapists, kidnappers, terrorists, world governments… they want you to think that if your neighbor has a beard and brown skin, instead of thinking “oh he’s just some dude” you think “man what if he is plotting a terrorist attack”

so much … so much filth comes through that little box.

and it’s such a crude stimulation. it is so easy to scare someone with cheap thrills and surprises…

it is very hard to make a beautiful artistic masterpiece that brings you to tears of compassion, joy, even sorrow… so that you truely feel like you are an emotional being.

Films like American Beauty, Waking Life, Amelie… these are wonderful films that are not brutally inhuman… operating out of very primitive stimulus response system… they will improve your life, inspire your peaceful creativity.

if you do not want to be in a world where every single day a nuclear bomb is about to go off, we are on the verge of WWIII (which is NOT true at all, you have a choice! will you cave into fear and hate the other side, or will you love the whole world and wish it well?), your neighbors should be spied upon because they want to blow you up, any bearded man in a van could want to kidnap and rape you, and that you are an ugly person that needs to buy products in order to be pretty…

if you want to live at all in a peaceful world, you HAVE to cut that shit out!

It is so important. I hope you understand. If you don’t it is okay, because I do exagerate a little bit. But …

the TV is a reflection of you. you deliberately choose what to watch… do you watch cooking shows? nice and peaceful… are you only turned on by blood flow? the tv IS you because you choose what to watch, and you choose what your entertainment is…

now it’s up to you, how clean do you want your mind to be? if you are freaked out by horror movies, then don’t watch them! if you want an adrenaline rush you can go rock climbing, ride roller coasters, maybe… go to concerts and dance really crazy and explore your spirit… lots of things…

fear is kind of a replacement for joy… joy is a very sharp, intense great emotion, stimulating… fear kind of does the same becuase you learn to get off on fear, and you love the rush… but the difference is in how you activate it.

so if you find a good way to elicit fear that doesn’t “scare” you, like going on a huge drop tower ride, or going hang gliding or something, that’s better.

and then you can dream about hang gliding! dreaming about hang gliding is pretty neat… though i’ve only been once.

so much to do, why live vicarious? expose yourself to good things, and watch your life improve.

you have to understand, all this stuff is lodged deep in your brain. if it comes out into your dreams and messes with you… it says a lot about how unhealthy it is.

i still am afraid freddy krueger! such a sad thing to invent, because people will think “oh my god but he really IS in my dreams so that means I can die!” … pretty twisted…

i normally turn him into something peaceful and instruct him to leave me alone. though.

i have nightmares STILL about the SIMPSONS halloween episodes from when I was a little kid. some of the worst nightmares i ever ever had were from the simpsons.

you have to take care of your mind.
garbage in, garbage out. i really hope you get it.

you can have such an amazing, joyous, loving, peaceful and uplifting life, and be a LOT more entertained if you look to other types of higher media.

the media (TV mainly) just wants to exploit and drain you. notice how many commercials there are? if i were tv you would have seen me tell you to buy cars, soap, not do drugs, and that the best car insurance is GEICO about 20 times, and I would just randomly start telling you to do these right in the middle of my train of thought.

its such a mess.

the tv is the collective unconscious of all who watch it.
if nothing else, do you know what I mean by that? if nothing else i would like to ask of you to ponder this:
the collective unconscious, because every single person sees more or less the same thing, and it shapes their views on reality. because there are only a few shows, and they are all so similar, it has MASSIVE influence over us.

you couldn’t fahtom it. now how much is the influence? maybe not as much as I say… it might not be too bad… but even just the news. they function by covering what they want you to hear, incessantly, over and over again, constantly talking about it, and not telling you what they want you to forget.

and unfortunately they operate upon mainly tragedy… they enjoy tragedy from a certain perspective because it ensures ratings, but think about it, this is the NEWS if all they ever tell you is that we are doomed and everyone is evil… imagine the profound imapct it has upon the world! no wonder we don’t trust strangers. but you know what, strangers are just strangers, not evildoers lurking the shadows… their view on the world is not true at all. there is so much love in it… it’s just masked by a consesus view of hostility!

i apologize for this because this is only one side. there is a lot of “benevolence” in the tv where you don’t realize. a commercial with people helping out their fellow man… really happy music playing… friendly conversations… laughter… altruism… it’s like looking into your own head, you can find all sorts of things. it’s not inherently evil or benevolent… the only real issue is that : it has an impact upon us. it is used as a tool to create a consensus reality. that and it decays the attention span. it’s good and bad. i create a bad situation for myself by judging it too much. so sorry.

You made a ton of great points there, holy reality.

I’m starting to get over my “Horror Movie Syndrome.” First, I got rid of all DVDs/Videos of movies in the horror genre. That was easy, considering I didn’t have any. Then, I found “safety channels,” or channels that I know do not show horror films and have lots of programs I enjoy so I can turn to those when a horror movie appears on television. Next was the hard part. I had to remember every part of horror movies I’ve seen and find at least one unreal part of it (besides that it was a screenplay) that assured me it wouldn’t happen.

With the MILD techinque I’ve been using, I might incorporate a little bit of VILD just so that the setting of the dream is something I’d prefer to be in. Thanks for the information, holy reality!

Just saying, I’m pretty sure the vampire in Vicarious are we. We need the tragedy like a vampire needs blood. :content: And sidenote, in the USA the whole gaming thing and TV is worse than in the other countrys. At least Germany. When I see what is on TV in America, or how some of the people are there, it’s disturbing.

German teens are supposed to be the biggest wannabe rappers ever :tongue:

I completley agree! Just watch MTV German, you’ll find all kinds of wannabe with really funny music ( that channel was the only good channel while i was in vacation in France :tongue:)

The truth is, in my age, (at least in my area) everybody is a hip-hopper. Just everybody.