Whoa Kat, what good eyes you have!
Ok let’s see…
There was this big evil guy thaty was on 1 of those big flyong monster things and had a big mask on and we were not able to see his face. He looked so fearsome and scary and unbeatable and a WOmAn slases him in his face in a couple of seconds and he dies!! that was so weak!! I woul d of expected him to die after the hardest fiht of teh century or something but …No!!! A sword in the face was enough O_O lol
I know exactly what you mean! I was actually disappointed that it was THAT easy. But at least that girl did something. I was going for her because she has been rejected many times since she is a woman and I am woman too. I had to support her. I was like, “Go girl! Go girl!”
When frodos finger got bitten of by that thingy, it was kool because his finger was a bleadding and that which was very kool. But it was so very obvious that he was folding it LoL. The end o fthe movie was a bit fatter than usual, suggesting taht he was indeed beding it.
Yeah, I have to agree with you… but I guess it could be assumed as a swelled finger. A nasty swelled finger. Well you know what I mean. Perhaps they thought of that and thought that it’d be a cheap way to hide his real un-bit finger.
If taht wizzard is so powerful…then y didnt he defeat the ugly monster evil ppl with his stck?
Good question… I wondered about that too especially that he “evolved.” When that ugly monster birds came to the white tower (castle… or whatever you call it)… I wondered why Gandelf didn’t use his staff to light up so they would be blinded by it and fly away… it worked with them earlier in the movie so why not? Was there a certain limit in his power that he couldn’t do it? Well, why not at least light his staff up so that monster birds would be blinded by it? And also why didn’t trees come after they won that battle at the middle-age tower? At least they could come and support the dark-age war. They would be definitely handy for elepants and the giants. You know what I’m saying?
Ok, that’s all I have to say… unless I haven’t thought of something yet.