movment question

how do you move when your in the dream?
everytime i seem to be inside the dream if i try to physically move i end up moving my physical body and waking up :eh:
the only way i can move inside the dream is by imaging myself moving which doesn’t feel too real :sad:

That ones new to me. I never heard of such thing. Whenever i want to move in my dream i just… move. You dont suffer from sleepwaking do you?

no i don’t :content:
i think i move my physical body instead of the dream one because i don’t get SP’ed :sad:

Right, never heard of that happening before.

Try increasing lucidity (say ‘increase lucidity now’) or a staberliser (spinning or looking at your hands).

It might be that you are a light sleeper. It’s very unlikely that you dont get SP in REM sleep. If that was the case, you would probably sleepwalk every night.

You should try to get deeper into sleep somehow. Try getting more involved with the dream before trying to move, focus on all your senses etc. That might work.

I’m a very light sleeper and spend a lot of time in my LD’s worrying that I’m going to wake up and having FA’s. Sometimes when I move it feels like I have to be very careful (on the edge of waking up).

Like odd2k said, getting deeper into sleep might help or staying in bed longer, my LD’s after 9 hrs sleep have been more stable, after 10hrs even better etc.

I know where you’re coming from. The most difficult part is immediately as a lucid dream begins. You want to get out of bed in the dream, but not in real life. The rule of thumb is the more stable and vivid the dream, the less likely you are to wake up from anything.

I always make sure to “push” myself into the dream as much as possible before attempting to move. I do this by focusing my vision on something, or by clenching my eye muscles. When you first start to roll out of bed, it feels sort of like you’re moving in real life, but you just have to go with it slowly and gently. After your feet hit the floor, stand still and just mentally focus until you start to see light appear and you gain the ability to see. That’s when the dream is forming.

ill try that thanks for your advice :smile: