MP3 dependency (was Quick Question :D )

Well, i havn’t had my first Lucid dream yet, and it’s not that i’m impatient but, well, i’m kinda impatient. Anyway my brother has a MP3 player that allows you to set a timer so it will play a specific song at a specific time. I was going to record my voice telling me “i am dreaming” and setting it for 3 am or something, but then i thought: If i do that, could it happen that i can’t have a LD without it (like a dependency ? I want to be able to freely LD without the use of other devices. Also, i probably won’t use it for my first LD anyway, it would kinda ruin the magic :tongue: .

The only reason you might have a dependency on using that is if you truly believed that that was the only way you could become lucid, which of course it is not.

It is also true, that the more LD’s you have, the easyer it gets to have them. I don’t think that it would be a problem to use the mp3 player to get your first LD.
I also tell people that want to learn WILD, that it can help to have some LD’s useing other methods, because once you have some experance with LD’s, it is easyer to learn new methods. So I would say, do whatever works first, then you can start to spread out and learn more techs as you get better at it. :smile:

ok, thanks! I think i’m going to do it Without Mp3s first (unless i get really desperate). LIke i said, it might ruin the magic for me.