Before I started practicing lucid dreaming I read a book titled “Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman.” It’s a bunch of stories told by one of the guys who developed the atom bomb.
In one story he talks about his observations of dreams within his dreams. Eventually he claims he was able to do this because he realized he had been sleeping with the back of his head against a brass rod, He said the rod had disturbed his visual cortex.
Is this actually possible, to disrupt the visual cortex in a way that it can make lucidity easier?
Brass is a good electrical conductor, a rod rolling gentle against the bedclothes could conceivably gather a charge and deliver it to your visual cortex. Why don’t you try it and share the results.
I’m trying to figure out exactly what he meant. Did he have a brass rod underneath his pillow? I’m just trying to figure out a way to have it have a practical application and not be uncomfortable. I’d love to try it out. Any suggestions on how to work it?
Human tissue is ranked first on the positive side of the Triboelectric Series of Materials and brass is fifth on the negative, so sleeping with a brass rod under the back of your head (ouch) would cause your visual cortex (and hair) to lose electrons and become positively charged. Positioning the rod under some wool and giving it a good spin before sleeping should increase the effect and help with the comfort issue. 
I will look for a brass rod and try it if I have one.
Think curtain rod, it would be hollow but it should still work.
I’ll look for one at wal-mart tonight. Should be cheap 
That’s one I never herd of. It will be interesting to hear your results.
Good luck.
Happy Dreaming