MSN Dreaming Article … e=dreaming

It doesn’t seem to mention Lucid Dreaming, actually…
They’re talking about missing REM will make you go insane, but I think they’re missing something (Actually, the whole article seems inaccurate)…I seem to remember hearing NREM raises seretonin, resulting in mania if there’s too much, and REM depletes seretonin, so you get depressed if you have too much. So you need a balance, not ONLY REM.
It also says things about interpreting dreams, which seems pretty silly too.

Not sure if this is the right forum, might a mod move this if it’s not?

Let’s ask them to write about lucid dreams…

I remember reading an article on MSN about LDing, along with a whole section on dreaming (although it was a different page to the one you linked to. It was also completely inaccurate). And there was a dream interpretation bit there as well. Stupidly, at the top of the page it has a few psychological and neorological reasons for dreams and dream interpretation, and then it goes into all this rubbish that has nothing to do with those. Which is stupid, if you think about it.

“I seem to remember hearing NREM raises seretonin, resulting in mania if there’s too much…”
Like everything in the nature-too much is just too much and usually affects us in a various ways,including manias…but remember that some manias can be pretty pleasant:)
I personally sleep 13 hrs or so and never really noticed any health related problems.It is true that sometimes you just not rested as you would like to but i dont think its very dangerous.
But it got me thinking…maybe too much REM is responsibile for some of my manias,i actually noticed that if i dont get my at least 10 hrs sleep i dont feel much of a Sex God:)