First off let me start off by saying hello since I am new to this board and this is my first post. I am a 17 year old University student and had my first lucid dream about 2 years ago and was completly stunned that I could actually physically control my dream. Since then I have had MANY dreams and have been getting much better at not waking up and realizing that after one fades out that another one fades in that SEEMS like reality but its not. I will confirm that 90% of my lucid dreams over the years have occured during naps. Enough about my past lets get to my most current lucditity which was utterly amazing.
I was in my first lucid dream and being the young hormone happy guy I am my first though was sex, so this is what I did. But I got to excited and “woke up”. After a few minutes a realized that I had not actually woken up and that I woke up into another lucid dream, once again I was lucid. I felt total control and began moving objects all over the place with my mind and I felt very powerful. It faded out again and I new the same thing had happened with the “waking up” so I just became lucid again immediately. I continued this going in and out of lucidity many times I imagined things precisely to happen and they would, I was completely controlling the world around me with my mind and it was amazing, until I decided to imagine a dinosaur coming out of the woods that I was parked in front of, after imaginging this it happened immediately and I was scared and ran for my car, still somewhat lucid but a huge tyrannasaurus rex trying to kill you its pretty damn freightning and made me think thwice. I Continued controlling my worlds many times as if I was neo in the matrix. At one point I even woke up in the real world and shut my eyes again and went right back into luciditity which I thought amazing.
This is my story, it may seem bland in text but its like no other experience because it feels as real as the world you are in now, I really believe that it is possible that we are somehow accessing another dimension , or something supernatural with a possible “sith sense”. I don’t know what it is…but its incredible.
Yeah, I know how realistic it can be. Oh - and I envy you for getting so many LD .
I actually lost lucidity in my last LD, cos it was more detailed than my past two, and thought to myself, ‘this is to realistic to be a dream!’. Jeez, that is just typical for me…
Urgh… oh well, i’m still new to this, I can get better .
I do this fad in fade out thing…but I’m not very good yet and have only ever realised that I’m still dreaming twice…only one of those times after I had only just ‘woken up’ I usually go back to sleep and either have a normal dream or a false lucid dream…but the other night I actually went into a real LD again…cool…
by the way…yeah the t-rex is scary, but what if your naked mum suddenly walked into your bedroom as you’d just realised you were dreaming?!
I tried making a T-rex apear last night (that idea was one of the few I could actually remember…)
But then I suddenly realised that it’d be kindda scary having a T-rex smash through the window in that small room. So I ran. Luckily, it seems I didn’t have enough control to make one apear anyways… but still…
Thats pretty funny, yea i Didnt really think of the consequence I was just testing out my ability to control the world, I stared into some woods and was telling myself (not actually picturing the event in my head) that some sort of large monster, or dinosuar was going to appear. A few seconds later I turned around and out comes a trex that looked pretty pissed i was stunned that I made it appear and I think it was myself that “accidentally” made the tyrex come after me, because I thought thats what it would do and thats why it happened. Point being, if you would have told yourself a trex was going to appear and not even thought of it being aggressive you could have probably even pet it.