Music and dreams

I listened to a few radiohead songs, while already lying in bed and the lights were already out, before falling asleep. My dream recall sucks but I had very clear dreams and recalled 2 of them, something I usually don’t have. I don’t know if there’s a connection between the music and the dreams, but I’ll try again tonight.

The songs I listened:
Knives out
Street Spirit

I dont recognise any of the songs you hae posted, do you have a link to them at all?

Certian music can put you into different brainwave states, ie alpha theta, and can alter your mood, if you enjoy the song and focus on lucid dreaming you code lucid dreaming as a posisitve thing in your mind and if you are relaxed you will be more likely to day dream and calmly recall your dreams

I had vivid dreams after I listened to wish you were here by pink floyd and stairway to heaven by led zeppelin, it worked once anyway, it kind of depends on your mindset.

I’ve considered using music to keep my mind aware while doing WILD. It sounds like it would have a definite effect, but I can’t do it because that would mean leaving my MP3 player speakers or computer on all night, which I can’t do. :sad:

why not? too much noise ? get in trouble?> keep you awake?

No, my MP3 player automatically shuts off after it’s not playing music for a few minutes. But my speakers don’t, and it would be a waste of power (as well as a potential fire hazard, the way I see it) to keep them on all night. Same with the computer, it would just suck up a lot of power and it’s not good for it.

apprently, it uses more power for your computer to be started and shut down then to leave it running.

As for a fire hazzard i doubt it, but i dont know what equipment you are using so maybe it is, try it for a few nights not all the time that way you can test it without wasting too much power.

Good luck

I’ve heard the same thing about light switches.
The only real reason I would be concerned about a fire hazard is because there’s something wrong with my speakers, I think the cord has a short in it because one speaker doesn’t work. So I’m just paranoid because I’m dealing with faulty equipment.

fair enough, well if you left them on i doubt you would sleep at all, too worried about the place curning down then getting sleep. prob best to go with your approach as you have been

I’m just wondering, what kind of effects does music have on lucid dreaming?
At night, I usually listen to:
New age
and I have LDs often.
Do you think there may be a connection?

listening to music may help your mind stay more awake, so you sleep with your mind close to consciousness… hope that made sense. :tongue:

nice calm music that you can listen to while falling asleep should keep your mind awake while your body falls asleep.
Essentially WILD.

That’s what I’m going to try to do once I figure out a way.

I’ve been listening to music every night, but last night my ipod wasn’t charged, so I couldn’t and I had my first LD. could have been coincidence, maybe not.

That’s just pseudo-scientific garbage, when you experience a different emotion or feeling or state of awareness, your brain may go into that brainwave, but that doesn’t mean the brainwave corresponds specifically to sleep, and so on.

i once tryed falling asleep with music playing so i could try keeping my mind awake, and at some point i realized i couldnt hear the music! once i thought it tho it slowly started geting louder and luoder until it was at the volume i left it at. it was all very wierd

i once tryed falling asleep with music playing so i could try keeping my mind awake, and at some point i realized i couldnt hear the music! once i thought it tho it slowly started geting louder and luoder until it was at the volume i left it at. it was all very wierd