Hey folks!
I was wondering if you fall asleep to music if it can effect you chance of LD. Or if it could alter the outcome of the LD being that music can bring on different moods.
I listen to Braindance which is a type of IDM (intellagant dance music) and was wondering if the choatic beats and complex rythms and patterns would have an adverce effect as opposed to like an Acid Jazz or dNb.
Hmmmm well take it easy all and happy dreaming!
There is only one way to find out: Try it!
I’m sure it has an effect. I’ve had LDs before where I have listened to waking life radio through my waking bodies ears while I was dreaming I was on soft green grass underneath my warm dream sun. Great lucid dream. It wasn’t music though, it was talk radio.
A visitor of this forum invented the “MWILD” method to help induce LDs. It was about the same as the WILD method but just required you to use music to help you remember to stay conscious. I have it posted in the dictionary but I havn’t been provided a definition yet.
Hmm, what is dNb? Oh, I bet it is drums and bass. :} Heh, I just got that.
I would agree that music without words would be best.
well i got to say i forgot about this idea as i have been out and about
i am going to look into this but if anyone is interested i have about 2000 or so mp3’s that i would be willing to donate for further investigation of this subject…
just email me @ virginpusher@yahoo.com
and well work something out!
I’ve heard something about that the beat of the music should be in a lower frequency than your heart beat. It should be easier to fall asleep to.
For me the ambience of the music is more important. The music should be inspiring for HI and give my mind something to fantasize about.
I can easily fall asleep at slow music like Sigur Ros or Radiohead, but faster stuff like Tool or Dream Theater also does the trick for me. I just have to ‘see’ stories or images in it.
I bet yous would like Reflection by TOOL, very relaxing sounds, wouldn’t you agree tool fans?
Hah hah, I love your inverse-acronym of IDM, “intellagant dance music”. jUst had to point that out. MWILD sounds interesting, sounds much easier to focus on music rather than hypnagogic imagery or sound. Woukd you still hear the ringing noise in a MWILD ?
(edit: yea! 100 posts…)
After i had my first LD, and my best, as soon as i woke up i had this Tom Jones song running in my head.
Now, im only 15 and hardly know who Tom Jones is let alone his music. But i had heard this song somewhere(TV i think) and as soon as i woke up from my LD it was playing in my head. Dont know what it is called though.
Just as i am typing this it has occured to me that maybe if i listen to this song (dont know how ill get it) before i sleep, might help me get an LD?? let my try it out
For me it works! Few times put Tool Lateralus on and when i fell asleep i had dream where i was laying down in bed sort of floating and listening to that record. When i finally woke up i felt like i had listened that album many times over and over while i was asleep.
But i don’t get lucid because I seem to be real doofus in my dreams, no matter how obvious those dreamsigns are and sometimes I even realise it’s a dream I still don’t get lucid. Like im replaying some scenes or even altering what happens next sometimes but i still don’t get lucid. Im even conscious about the fact that i cant die in my dreams. Annoying.
But i guess listening music while going asleep would be good way to induce LDs if you could just get aware enough to realize that the album you were listening before you fell asleep is now theme of your dream. I guess i gotta try it tomorrow morning again!
I dont know if this has been posted yet (im new here so forgive me), but you might oughta hear aphex twin’s selected ambient works volume II. It is all ambience written from lucid dreams. Well, he was awake at the time, but he heard it all in his dreams. Sorry if this is old news.
thank you for your attention
idunno if anyone here is interested, but I make electronic music, and I was thinking of making a real long song that would start out gently to wake me up in the morning gradually, so that I could wake up gradually and thus have better dream recall. I’ve started out using the sound of Lake Michigan, close to where I live. From there I want to build it progressively louder and louder so that it lulls me awake.
Ultimately, what I want to do is create a song like that for waking up and a companion one which sounds mostly the same for going to sleep, with a mix of music I like playing quietly during the night, with movie quotes interspersed like Morpheus saying, “how would you know if you were awake or dreaming?” which might help me to an RC if I heard it in a dream.
Music is a great passion of mine. It’d be really great to be able to work it into my dreams. Anyone else try anything like this?
Anyone ever try making up a song in a dream? It’s weird. For some reason, it’s as though the words always fit and rhyme perfectly. Maybe it’s because the right brain is more active, or maybe in dreams we just think something makes sense when it really doesn’t.
that kinda reminds me of a thread here about jokes, and how what you think is funny in a dream is often senseless or stupid in waking life. I guess the brain just works different…
Yes, I’ve told some great jokes in LD’s and gotten a lot of laughs, but they weren’t clever in real life. Humor is a difficult thing to explain…
Monitor 199a,
Yes, I have made music in lucid dreams before and your right about the rythms and stuff. I made like a full song in a matter of seconds. It was one of the best electronic music songs I had ever heard too. Now though I can’t remember it that much:-. I always wanted to recreate it in real life, but the complexibility of it was comparable to the complexibility of a human voice almost.