Music in dreams

One time I was dreaming that I was in some huge soccer try-out and there were hundreds upon hundreds of people here from different teams and I started singing the ‘na na, na na na na, na na na hey hey’ song really loud and clapping my hands above my head. Then everybody started looking at me and gradually joining in until everybody there was singing it. It was awesome. But I can’t recall actually hearing music, unless I was playing an instrument…

I once had a ND where my band was playing this really good catchy song. When I woke up I completely forgot how it went. Shortly afterwards I started getting into lucid dreaming and I thought that the song would still be in my subconscious so I put a band practice together in a lucid dream. I managed to gather my entire band, but I just looked down at my guitar and was like, “I don’t know what to play.” :sigh:

I once had a lucid dream where I was watching this exceptionally boring play, so I stood up and started singing “All You Need is Love,” and pretty soon the whole audience weas doing it too. That has to be one of the best lucid moments I’ve ever had. :smile:

I’ve had music in a few dreams. In one the school band was playing a really cool song, which I forgot when I woke up. One of my plans for LDs is to walk up to a random DC and tell them to sing me a song.

Some strange thing happened to me when I was dreaming about music.

Some time I was having a ND. And i was beside the forest and I was listening to a great song. The problem is I have heard this song one or two time im my life but im my dream I was remembering it and IRL I didnt remember this song.

Weird how the subconsious remember more thing then the conscious.

Oh yeah, I hear music in my dreams from time to time, but only dramatic soundtrack music when it’s fitting XD. It does suck how it’s next to impossible to remember dream music when one wakes up.

I wasremembering it clearly when I was awake.

i play guitar and everytime i try to play guitar in my dreams it is very hard to play i am always screwing up and skipping notes or playing off notes…

music that i hear in my dream is always clear, and very interesting.

It’s that way for me too. I used to create Piano music in my head automatically when falling asleep, but if I’m dreaming about a certain song, then I have headphones on and some how I remember all the words in my dreams and I forget all the words when I wake up.

I’m a musician in real life and I have an unusually good ear, so I make sure to write down any music I can possibly remember from dreams.

As I mentioned in a similar thread, I intend to create a DC who will write music for me 24-7 and dictate it to me, bar by bar, in dreams (preferably lucid ones). I’m going to will myself to remember every note, chord, and rhythm. Perhaps it’ll work…

In a recent LD, there theme being played in different ways. In one location it was orchestrated, in another a piano was playing, and behind a mirror a music box was playing it. I still rememeber the tune. I’ll make a midi of it when I get the chance.

Do it, Wyvern! I can’t wait to hear it.

on the ocassions I do have music in my dreams, it’s quite an experience. Often it’s orginal, completely made up by my SC. Some of the songs are hit-song potential too…but alas I can never remember the melodies.

There is only one song I remember the melody from, and I made a MIDI of it.

ive had a couple dreams where there were music in it, even a dream where i was with some guy banging trash cans making awsome music…which doesnt make sense comming from trash cans but its a dream, what do you expect :tongue: but yea, dream music is totally awsome!

Who says you can’t make great music on trash cans IRL? I’ve seen it done plenty. Disneyland has a group of percussionists who perform regularly in the Tomorrowland area, playing on trash cans, buckets, and other household objects. Very talented musicians, all of them.

Anyway, I think it’s fascinating that while few of us claim to be proficient composers in real life, most of us can (at least occasionally) produce perfectly listenable music through our subconscious brains. Too weird.

Well I actually had a song in my dream last night, visit my dream-journal to find out which one (shameless plug).

When I sing in my dreams, it sounds perfect

Just this morning I had a dream involving a stereo and a large CD collection. The songs I heard were pretty good, but I didn’t remember any of them when I woke up.

jonesn, there was this whole year in college where i was obsessed with making a device to videotape dreams. i spent countell conversations talking with my friends and roommates trying to figure out how it would be done, is it all in your brain, are your eyes involved in any way? i got some real good ideas too… like this experiment: assume that the dream you see isn’t really seen with your eye… when your eyes sees the real “seeing”, perceiving, is going on in your occipital lobe. so i fugured, ok. let’s hook up this really sensitive brain-imaging, brain-sensing equipment (whatever) to your occipital lobe. give the subject a really simple stimulus, like a black line on a white field. record his brainwaves while he is seeing it. a computer will record every little blip and brainwave that results. step up the process with more and more complex images, and record the brain’s response. then… once you’re satisfied you’ve gotten enough data…
have the subject fall asleep.
wait for him/her to dream.
track/record their brainwaves.
now, the computer has already collected tons of data on which images translate into which brainwaves… so have the computer show you the reverse! have it translate backwards, which brainwaves correspond to which images.
now, sit back and watch the show!
anyway, we always joked that “if you videotaped your dream, would you show anyone”? i say yes but i’d want to watch it first! what if there’s all these awful things you do in dreams that you dont remember? or what if you had a dream about getting it on with someone, i’d want my privacy…

Last night I was hearing music in my dream… I was at this website and checking out one of my friends latest tracks. This music of his sounded so incredible, it had a lead guitar going crazy. It was soo cool I never would have guessed I was dreaming! I feel better after waking up knowing that music came from my head (cuz it’s like my mind made it, you know), it’s too bad I can’t remember it very well now :grrr:.

I’ve heard it before, but I think it was from my radio, because it was a linkin park song. but that would be cool, hearing music your head made up. hopefully it wouldn’t sound like a dying cat.