Whenever I hear music in dreams, whether it’s something I regcognize or something my mind just made up, it’s always amazing in clarity and depth. I assume this is because the sounds are coming from within your own mind (not from outside like regular auditory perception) so they are more pure
In one dream I dreamt that I was making breakfast and had a song stuck in my head (not an existing song, and it was just the melody). When I woke up I remembered it for an hour or so, so I thought that I would remember it the rest of the day and stopped thinking about it. Then I forgot
I remember having two dreams in where I could hear music, and it was like amazing! Perfect melody… but alas I forgot most of it when I woke up arghhh … but yeah its pretty cool
I moved this topic in “the stuff dreams are made of”, cause it was not lucid dreams related.
Every time I hear music in a dream, I feel a very strong emotion. I don’t think it’s because of the sounds, it’s because music seems to be directly connected with emotions, just like it was their own language.
I often have music in my dreams. I specifically remember one dream, where i am with my class on some bus trip. One of my classmates begins singing this song, or rather 'humm’ing it. He stands up and asks “Has anyone heard [songs name]”, and I know i have, but I don’t say anything. I’m really close to remembering that song, but alas.
There are also some times when songs i recognize play on the radio.
I don’t hear music too often in my dreams. But I do remember once waking up so disappointed because I enjoyed the music so much but didn’t remember how it went.
I make music. I once dreamt a beautifull song.
I tryed to reproduce it as I woke up but it was gone! =( buuuaaa
But you can hear very beautifull music in dreams!
One of my future projects in neurotechnology is to develop a brain-imaging system that allows variables of communication to be read from the lucid dreamer. So by using this system, you could theoretically record music while in dream
ENORMOUS amounts of practice would be a prerequisite, of course
well…I am not shure what you want from this topic.
I think that everyone’s subconcious is talented, but it’s hard to bring something from there to here.
When i hear music in dreams, it is usually songs from RL, but twice it wasn’t
Those 2 times, it was really really good music. But the funny thing was the people who sang it. I had never seen either of them sing in RL before, but I did interact with those people regularly. One of them was my physics teacher
I wish i could reproduce it in RL, but then it probably wouldn’t sound as good. I think that dreams make you feel certain ways, even if you wouldn’t feel like that in RL. I have felt more emotions in my dreams than anywhere else. They just enhance everything.
I hear music in my dream. I remmber one dream where I was hearing some very bueatyfull piano music. Ive notice that If its a song I allready know, if Im listning to it rather then just hearing it I notice its allways diffrent.
I only hear music because i have my tv on all night MTV baby… or vh1. Well it’s actually pretty fun cuz i sing along in my dreams. And i see people singing too, and it’s like… we’re in a car with friends and we all sing but it sounds alot better because it’s actually a produced, cleaned up version and not just anyone spouting out off-key, abrasive tones.
anyway, I hear music in my dreams on rare occasions, all made up though. But I percieve them as the most beautiful melodies ever. I only wish I could remember them in RL so I could judge ithem consciously.