Music WILD

So here I am with another WILD tech :roll:
This one is for people that fall asleep very fast if they wake up during the night. Good thing since there aren’t really any good techs at all for those people :sad:

Very simple, sleep and wake up during 3rd REM cycle. For me that’s about 4 hours after I fall asleep. Turn on some music and make sure that it stops playing after about 20 minutes or something thereabout. I start playing my cd on song 7 out of 13 and that’s about 20 minutes in total. Then go back to bed and listen to the music while you fall asleep. It’s probably best if you don’t move that much during those 20 minutes. You can wake up at other times too or play the music for longer or shorter times, but that’s the way I did it and since it seems to be working for me I won’t change it :grin:

I’m not sure why this works so well, but I’ve tried it 2 days in a row and so far I’ve had 4 LDs. One of them was very long and would have been the longest one I’ve ever had if I hadn’t woken myself up :tongue:

I’m not exactly sure why I get LDs from this tech but I suppose it has something to do with falling asleep slowly and one also does a WBTB since we have to get up and turn the music on :cool: By the look of things one will get either a LD in the same REM cycle as the one, one woke up from. Or one will get a LD during the next REM cycle.

Hey, u saying my WILD tech is bad? :razz:

But erhm, how do you know it isnt coincidence or a placebo effect after 2 tries?

cool Jarod :smile: can you clarify a bit? you wild with vibrations or into HI ? or you wait for the music to end and then RC?

Is the music supposed to end after you fall asleep? If so, then I guess the music stopping after 20 mins (and mabye even between songs) would jolt you a small amount into heightened alertness, enough for you to DILD, but not enough for you to awaken…

Your tech isn’t bad Xetrov :tongue: But when I try to wild this usually happens -> wake up and rememeber that I should wild, try to wild but fall asleep and wake up after 1 hour or so :roll:

Well, I haven’t actually WILDed from this tech yet :tongue: but it takes longer than usual for me to fall asleep and that seems to keep me consious enough to get me lucid when getting a dream after I’ve fallen asleep :grin: Atleast that’s how it’s happened so far.

So, I fall asleep while the music is playing. Didn’t get lucid last night, but I’m going to blame the old stereo for that… It went silent after a few minutes :roll: I did wake up later and managed to get it to play properly after a little bit of “persuading” :grin: but I didn’t get lucid for some reason :sad: But I was close to lucidity :grin:

sorry for overdoing the smilies… :wink:

Argh! the stereo went quiet again last night. I didn’t get lucid again but I did rememeber doing some stuff that I would only do when being close to lucidity :grin:

So, LDs to days and close to lucidity 2 days.
I think the problem is also that I had the volume a bit too low since I remember falling asleep quite fast.